1.0 Introduction
Refractory concrete is a fire proof type of concrete used during the
construction of a building. The materials are obtainable and can be
said to have the normal composition of concrete all the materials
used in the normal concrete are all available in their various ratios in
the production of refractory concrete. Like lime usually traditionally
called is one major material that is being used in refractory concrete
to give it the fire proof ability in the concrete for building. Unlike all
the various concrete being used during construction refractory
concrete has been found to be a very rare concrete used in the
building and construction industry in Nigeria. The advantage of the
refractory concrete is versatile and would be described in full in other
The various materials used in production of refractory concrete as
included: River gravel or crushed fire bricks sand calcium
aluminum cement (if available in different grades) you can also add
into the mix a standard fire clay if you like.
The mixture (ratio is 8 x 2 x 2 x 0.50; plus water)
● 3 shovels of gravel or crushed fire bricks.
● 2 shovel of sands 2 shovels of the cement half shovel of lime
(traditionally called quick time)
This amount will require approximately 6.7 litres of water to mix the
concrete as said earlier.
The kind of lime to use is hydrated lime calcium hydroxide
commonly sold in shops in bags. Calcium dioxide which is the
traditional called slake lime or prickling lime most often called by
builders as the hydrated lime
1.1 Statement of Problems
The straight of refractory concrete consideration depends on the use
of lime to help attain its harsh wealhon or heat put on the refraction
cement the mix rates as also to be considered for this kind of
The pronominal issues of cutting concretes by contraction and other
professionals in the building industry by way of not using the
prescribed material including the cement the quick lime the
aggregate lime the brick fired blocked of under . Therefore in
other to more lime profoltis one of the major factor
responsible for many of the recorded case of refractory concrete
failure in recent years in Nigeria and even other countries.
1.2 Background of the Study
The “texture” of refractory concrete is quite an instrumental to the
strength of fire proof to the concrete which is the lime.
This research work therefore seeks to assess and establish the
potential of refractory concrete as a fire proof to concrete to any
building or construction of the building with the construction not
withstanding the already load concrete generally used in our society
today. This thesis also seeks to encourage/introduce refractory
concrete especially in places which have quick assess to fire
outbreak for concrete casting by contractors or building professionals.
1.3 Aim
The aim of this research work is to actually reveal the potential of
refractory concrete as a fire proof concrete in buildings by the
contractors or builders.
1.4 Objective
i) To assess the quality of refractory concrete in other concrete in
building construction
ii) To show the level of resistivity to fire after being heated for a
while and withstanding the ability of refractory concrete to serve
as a fire proof concrete in building
iii) To encourage the culture of using refractory concrete of
desirable texture for concrete construction
iv) To carryout a compressive strength test assessing the concrete
as a fire proof concrete in buildings
1.5 Methodology
This research was strictly a laboratory investigation using
experimental methods and scientific methods of testing the resistivity
and the fire proof in the refractory concrete casting and recording
observed result ( ) the data is analysed through the use of tables
and graphs. Although literature were also reviewed from journals
text and web documents and incorporated into the research
When cement and burns it out the lime hold its all together. Lime
used in building calcium hydroxide Ca (OH2)2
(oxide of calcium CaO of limestone) is used for making motan and cement.
Ingredients in the now days Portland Cement are
60% to 67% Cao (calcium oxide)
17% to 25% SiO2 (silicon oxide)
3% to 8% Al2O3
(aluminium oxide)
Up to 6% Fe2O3 (iron oxide)
Mixing Dry Refractory Concrete Ingredients
Before adding water mix all dry ingredients together well with a shovel by
taking from the bottom and placing every shovel on the top with the mixture
turns to a uniform colour.
Adding Water to Refractory Concrete
Create a hole in the middle and pour in about 2 liters of water. Continue
mixing with a shovel as you did with the dry ingredient. The mix will
become semi dry add another couple of liters of water and mix it again with
the same way it’s a good exercise but it doesn’t take too long before you
start to notice the concrete becoming workable. If its still 200 dry add just a
liter of water but not too much at this stage because of the consistency can
change suddenly. If you add too much don’t worry add more dry
ingredient in the same ratio and just mix it in. doing this mixture with the
use of machine is not a very hard job. Its good fun and I find it easier than
mixing the pizza dough.
Refractory Concrete of Good Consistency
The right consistency is achieved when you stop seeing dry patches in the
mixture; and when not too much watch is pooling or preventing the
concrete from keeping its shape on the ground as if it was kind of standing
rather up than flowing. When you pile it up with the shovel it should rather
sit-stay high and hold together for example the correct consistency is
achieved when a handful of concrete can be formed into a brick the size of
a tennis ball and be tossed half a meter up into the air then caught as a
mass that stays rougher which will now be tested by any individual with the
knowledge or experience of the mixture.
Ingredients in the Nowadays Portland Cement
60% to 67% CaO Calcium oxide
12% to 25% SiO2
silicon oxide
3% to 8% Al2O3
Aluminium oxide
Up to 6% Fe2O3
iron oxide
This can contain also min amount of mgO mgSO4 Na2O and K2O
Water; (Dry Refractory Concrete) (Adding more water to Re)
Before adding water the ingredients are properly mixed together with a
shovel by taking from the bottom and placing every shovel on the top until
the turned to a uniform color. Create a hole in the middle and
pour in about 2 liters of water. Combine many with a shovel as you deal
with the dry ingredient the mix will become semi dry. Add another couple of
liters of water and mix it again the same way. If found dry addition of more
liters of water is being added but not too much; because the consistency
can dry suddenly but it the water content in the mixture become too much
never to way. First add the same ratio of the ingredient in a smaller amount
to help it regain its finish state.
Refractory Concrete of Good Consistency
Mixing the refractory concrete this way without a concrete mixer machine
is not even hard job to do its good fun and one can find easier than mixing
the pizza dough. A single dome for a wood burring oven takes about 0.2
cubic meter of gravel. It’s a small job and its interesting the right
consistency is achieve at when you stop seeing dry patches machine and
when not to much water is produced.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 3Program type
barchelors degree