Profit maximization was regarded as the primary mission and
over-reaching economic motive of any business enterprises little or no
attention was paid to the fact that in pursuit of their profit objective
business enterprises have to be ask to assemble the resource from the
local environment and have the stable socio-political and investment
climate in which to operate successfully. If business organization relies
on society for existence it is only logical that this environment be
acculturated and nurtured to ensure its continuity. It is in this regard that
the orientation of the modern business manager has changed to reflect the
increasingly important interdependence between organizations and there
environments with these there is an increasing public glamour that
business should participate actively in the well being and environment in
which they operate and make their profit.
However the aim of establishing any business is to provide
competitive goods and services to the consumer and society at large. This
does not however mean that they have concluded their obligation to the
people especially to the host community where the business is sited and
Although there is no law as what form of services the host
community should benefit from the business it is morally obliged to
cater for at least their host. This they do by aiding the development of
infrastructures such as access roads where necessary and the provision of
good water for domestic use and also the provision of electricity of the
local population. Other forms of services that could be rendered for the
young members of that community and of course the provision of gainful
employment for those who have graduated from college.
There are a lot of other services that the host community can
benefit from the business such as the provision of safety measures against
pollution other air or water. On the other hand to the business also look
forward to the local populace for continued patronage and also for
ensuring the safety of lives and properties of the business and employees
of that business who are not from that community. Therefore the
recognition by businessmen of the need to keep the good of society as a
whole to mind while conducting business in the bed-rock of social
The controversy about the public clamor that business should
participate actively in the well being and welfare of the community
society environment in which they operate and make their profit are the
problems among others this research intend to solve. Has business social
responsibility any part to play in the total marketing effort of business
organizations or enterprises?
Does business social responsibility contribute anything to the total
revenue of the company? Is the conception that there is no need for
business enterprise to be socially responsible to its society “SHELL
PORT-HARCOURT” true or false? Of what use is business social
responsibility to the general public? The problem for this research is what
the responsiveness of companies to social responsibility is.
The following research hypothesis are formulated for the purpose
of carrying out this project of which:
HYPOTHESIS I: Ho: socials responsibility of business does not
significantly enhance the success and development of the host
Hi: social responsibility of business significantly enhances the success
and development of the host community.
HYPOTHESIS 2 I: Ho: There is no significant relationship between the
success of business and its social responsibility.
H1: There is a significant relationship between the success of business
and its social responsibility.
This research work was conducted with the following main
a. To met up with the requirement in partial fulfillment for the award
of B.Sc in the department of Business Administration Caritas
University Enugu.
b. To examine and determine the extent of benefits that the company
shell company has contributed to the development of Port Harcourt
in response towards to the business social responsibility.
c. To investigate the causes of business enterprise nonchalant
attitudes towards business social responsibility to the development
of its host community.
d. To advance solution of the problems of business social
responsibility to the development of her host community.
This research is significant in the sense that it provides the basis
for further research into the topics by providing related data.
This study is also of important for the fact that business have been
criticized on ethical moral economic and political grounds. Businesses
have also contributed to the determination of our physical environment
the case of SHELL company’s pollutants like poisonous waste materials
have been buried in abandoned plant sites; solid wasters have been
thrown into lakes and seas or rivers; poisonous gases have been released
into the air we breathe etc. Trying to be socially responsible involves
extra cost or expenses for industries.
This study is important because it will be useful to “SHELL
COMPANY” and its customers by helping them understand and
appreciate more of the effort it has made. If any it will also be useful to
the government and registration because it will help them make more
meaningful and useful legislature and help them to set achievable
standards concerning social responsibility of businesses.
This study intends to provide answers to these questions.
1. Does social responsibility of business organization enhance the
development of the community?
2. In what way has the company carried out their social responsibility
in community?
3. To know the extent of implementation of this policy the problems
argument and difficulties facing the company in carrying out their
social responsibility in their host community.
The scope of social responsibilities of business in relation to this
project focus on obligation which business have voluntarily imposed on
themselves to ensure the survival of the system under which they thrive.
In order to give the reader a board base from which to see all of the
implications of the social responsibilities of business it is necessary to
examine such responsibilities from the perspective of consumers
employees and general public shell Port Harcourt.
Time and financial constraints are the two limitation of this study.
Subsequent difficulty in obtaining data from other companies led to the
selection of shell company Port Harcourt as a case study.
This limits the generalized ability of the conclusions of the research to
shell Port Harcourt and no other company in the country.
Another problem was the shortage of literature on related topics
and non- availability of shell publications in libraries. The absence of
accurate and up to date statistical figures because of the recent of events
as regards the research topic.
Again in regarded as confidential it was very difficult to get the
company to release the required information. The problem of gateman
and messengers stopping the researcher from entering was another
constraint to this study.
Lastly the case of official’s absence in the company to field work and
other assignments constituted other major constraints to the research this
(BSR) Business Social Responsibility
(NNPC) Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation
(ITT) International Telecommunication Technology
(SPDC) Shell Petroleum Development Company.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
barchelors degree
Additionnal content
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