From time immemorial man depended on plants as medicine. From a
historical perspective it is evident that the fascination for plants is as
old as mankind itself. The plant kingdom represent a rich store house of
organic compounds many of which have been used for medicinal
purposes and could serve as lead for the development of novel agents
having good efficacy in various pathological disorders in the coming
years.Plants are the richest source of drugs for traditional medicine
modern medicines nutraceuticals food supplements folk medicine
pharmaceutical intermediates and chemical entities for synthetic drugs
(Hammer et al. 1999). The use of plant product as medicines could be
traced as far back as the beginning of human civilization. The earliest
mentioned medicinal used plant in Hindu culture is found in “Rigveda”
which is said to have been written between 4500-1600 B.C. and is
supposed to be the oldest repository human knowledge. The active
principle isolated have provided leads in the development of several
life saving drugs which are in use today (Rastogi and Mehrotra 2002).
The isolated active compounds of the plants are secondary metabolites
chemical compound that occur naturally in plant with no nutritional
value to human life. These active compounds are generally called
phytochemical. These phytochemicals play protective roles in plants
each chemical labeled phytochemical works in different ways not all
are the same for human and not all come from the same plants. Some
have shown more promise than others in fighting disease and illness in
humans. There are some basic types of these active compounds that
are found in different fruits and vegetables. We have some of them like
antioxidants they are present in onions and some other fruits and tea
they act as preventive measure for premature cell death and some
forms of cancer and aging. Isoflavones or plant estrogen; they are
found in soy and soy products; they are helpful in the year just before
and after menopause. Capsaicin is found in hot pepper and it has been
shown to significantly reduce prostate tumors in size at least in mice.
Taking capsaicin on a regular basis by eating spicy foods with hot
peppers may prove an excellent preventative agent to prostate cancer
and benign growth of prostate (Ahmedabad 382- 481). This experiment
was carried out on moringaoleifera and Azadirachtaindica leaves.
Moringaoleifera or the horseradish tree is a small or medium-sized
about 10 m high perennial softwood tree with timber of low quality
pantropical specie plant that is known by such regional name as
benzolive drumstick tree kelor marango mlonge mulangay nebeday
saijhan and sajan. Over the past two decades many reports have
appeared in the mainstream scientific journals describing its nutritional
and medicinal properties (Akerele 1993).Moringaoleifera is the most
widely cultivated species of a monogenetic family the moringaceae
that is native to the sub-Himalayan tracts of India Pakistan Bangladesh
and Afghanistan it also now naturalizes in West Africa and Nigeria as a
Azadirachtaindicaon the other hand is a very useful traditional
medicinal plant in the sub-continent and each part of the tree has some
medicinal properties. The plant is native to Asia but has now
naturalized in West Africa and is widely cultivated in Nigeria as an
ornamental as well as medicinal plant.
1.2 Phytochemicals
Phytochemicals are non-nutritive plant chemicals which occur naturally
in plants that have protective or disease preventive properties. They
are nonessential nutrients meaning that they are not required by the
human body for sustaining life. It is well-known that plant produces
these chemicals to protect them but recent research demonstrates that
they can also protect humans against diseases. There are more than
thousand known phytochemicals. Some of the well-known
phytochemicals are lycopene in tomatoes isoflavonesin soy and
flavanoids in fruits.Alkaloids (examples are Caffeine Theobromine
Theophylline).Organosulfides(examples are AllicinGlutathioneIndole-
3-CarbinolIsothiocyanates).Tannins steroids Glycosides etc.
1.2.1 Activity of phytochemicals
Antioxidant - Most phytochemicals have antioxidant activity and
protect our cells against oxidative damage and reduce the risk of
developing certain types of cancer. Phytochemicals with antioxidant
activity includes:allyl sulfides (onions leeks and garlic) carotenoids
(fruits carrots) flavonoids (fruits vegetables) polyphenols (tea
Hormonal action - Isoflavones found in soy imitate human estrogens
and help to reduce menopausal symptoms and
osteoporosis.Stimulation of enzymes - Indoles which are found in
cabbages stimulate enzymes that make the estrogen less effective and
thus couldreduce the risk for breast cancer. Other phytochemicals
which interfere with enzymes are protease inhibitors (soy and beans)
terpenes (citrus fruits and cherries).
Interference with DNA replication - Saponins found in beans interfere
with the replication of DNA cell thereby preventing themultiplication of
cancer cells. Capsaicin found in hot peppers protects DNA from
Physical action - Some phytochemicals bind physically to cell walls
thereby preventing the adhesion of pathogens to human cell walls.
Proanthocyanidins are responsible for the anti-adhesion properties of
cranberry. Consumption of cranberries will reduce the risk of urinary
tract infections and will improve dental health.
Phytochemicals are naturally present in many foods but it is expected
that through bioengineering new plants will be developed which will
ontain higher levels. This would make it easier to incorporate enough
phytochemicals with our food.
Moringaoleifera and Azadirachtaindica are plants(leave) are claimed to
have a lot of economic value such as medicinal nutritional and
pesticidal values. These claims have not been clearly justified.This
research and experiment is therefore centered on investigating
analyzing and justifying the claims made on these plants (leave). And
also to know the chemical composition responsible for the Medicinal
value of these plant (leave).
i. Phytochemical anaylsis on the Moringaoleiferaand
Azadiractaindica. In the other words identify isolate and
quantify each phytochemical present in the plant material
ii. To describe clearly the unit operation (Extraction process) used
on these plant.
To justify the claims made on these plants for its medicinal and
economic values like moringaoleifera is responsible for curing malaria
reducing high blood pressure and reduces blood sugar and
Azadirachtaindica is responsible curing fevermalaria bacteria and fungi
The phytochemical analysis will be carried out only on the leaves of the
plant under study.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
barchelors degree