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This chapter will give a sharp look at the historical background of

College of Administration and Business Studies Cooperative

Investment and Credit Society Limited (ABSICCS). The chapter

will also take a close look at statement of problem of why a

research of this nature is undergo and the objective of the

research will be clearly stated in understanding manner. The

significance of this study will be seriously discuss and research

questions will be design to cover the scope of this study. Difficult

terms use in the research will be clearly defined for the

understanding of the reader or user of this research work.


The CABS Investment and Credit Cooperative and Credit Society

was first muted by one distinguished cooperator Mr. J. J. Buden in

May 2005 with the support of the Director of College of

Administration and Business Studies Mrs. E. N. Mojekwu and ten

(10) other colleagues who became the pioneer members.

The College of Administration and Business Studies Cooperative

Investment and Credit Society Limited was effectively took off in

September 2008. The CABSICCS was fully registered with

Kaduna State Government on January 2009 with Certificate

Number KD 7030 by December 2006 the membership rose to

ninety-five (95) with total assets valued at N10.925 million.

The membership has continued to grow steadily due to

cooperative education. By September 2008 loan and advance to

members rose to N14.631 million as against N8.184 million in

2006 savings from members also rose to N18.861 million from the

2006 figure of N9.214 million. At as October 2009 the

membership of CABSICCS is 170.


Cooperative Education in Nigeria is hampered with a lot of

problems ranging from those caused by the British to those caused

by government and cooperators. On the part of the British they

brought cooperative just for their selfish interest to export good

cocoa to their country at a cheaper rate. On the part of the

government because they have upper hand towards the financing

implementing and initiating of cooperative programmes. They

always initiate good programmes without any policy. So this had

affected cooperative education because each new government

comes in with new programmes.

Our cooperative leaders have also failed to implement the good

cooperative programmes and policies which cooperative education

is part of it. That is why most people see cooperative as part of

the national cake. They join cooperative just to enjoy the national

cake and not what they can do for the society.


This research work is undertaken in order to find out the impact of

cooperative education development of cooperative societies with

the specific objectives below:

i. To evaluate the role cooperative education play towards the

development of cooperatives societies in College of

Administration and Business Studies (CABS).

ii. To assess the impact of cooperative education on

cooperative societies such as College of Administration and

Business Studies Cooperative Investment and Credit Society

Limited (CABSICCS).

iii. To investigating the problems of cooperative education

towards the development of the societies.

iv. To find out the level of cooperative education on its members

of College of Administration and Business Studies

Cooperative and Credit Society Limited (CABSICCS).

v. To find out the extent of members involvement in cooperative


vi. To also find out the solution to those problems of cooperative



The significance of this study cannot be over emphasized

because it will broaden or widen the cooperative knowledge and

experiences especially in the area of development of cooperative

education. It will also be of great importance to the members of

various cooperative societies and the general public most

especially the management of College of Administration and

Business Studies Cooperative Investment and Credit Society

Limited because the members will discover the importance of

cooperative education they will be able to send their officers and

staff to attend training seminars conferences and workshop on

cooperative which would enhance the performance of the society.

This study would be useful to other people who may be interested

in carrying out further research study in the same or similar field of

study. in addition the study would be useful to cooperative policy

makers because they will now discover that and society without

enough cooperative education cannot progress and this will hinder

the development of cooperative so that policy makers will find a

way of making societies to acquire cooperative education. It will

also serve as a basis in the formulation and collection of

cooperative literature for cooperative education to cooperative

student lecturers and the general public etc.


i. How can these problems be solved or overcome in order to

develop cooperative societies?

ii. To what extent has cooperative education played towards the

development of cooperative societies in College of

Administration and Business Studies?

iii. What are the roles of cooperative education towards the

development of cooperative societies?

iv. How involved are the members of College of Administration

and Business Studies Cooperative Investment and Credit

Society Limited towards cooperative education?

v. What impact does cooperative education have toward the

development of cooperative societies?


This research work the impact of cooperative education towards

the development of cooperative societies is narrowed only toCABS Cooperative Investment and Credit Society Limited. The

study would be restricted only to cooperative education as its

affects the development of cooperative societies in particular and

cooperative in general so the findings of this research would be

based on the numbers of the CABS Cooperative Investment and

Credit Society Limited Kaduna only. The generalization can only

be compare with other cooperative with almost the same pattern.

The limitation of this viable study are:

i. No sufficient time was given to the researcher to conclude

the research because of the short semester.

ii. Lack of spirit of cooperation of some executive or

management committee of CABSICCS.

iii. Lack of enough textbooks to consult on the cooperative

education in Nigeria and the world at large.

iv. Financial problems lack of sufficient money to visit some

place where sufficient information about cooperative



i. Financial Year: The period of twelve months beginning from

1st January to 31st December.

ii. Members: Includes any persons joining in the application

for registration and any persons admitted into membership

after registration in accordance with the by-laws to give

directive in regard to the business of the society.

iii. CABS: College of Administration and Business Studies.

iv. CABSICCS: College of Administration and Business

Cooperative Investment and Credit Society Limited.

v. Management Committee: The governing body to whom the

management of its affairs is entrusted.

vi. Law: The Nigeria Cooperative Societies Act CAP of 1998.

vii. KAD POLY: Kaduna Polytechnic

viii. Effects: Something that contribute either positive or

negative to situation.

ix. Organization: Any activity consciously coordinated towards

obtaining an objective.

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    higher national diploma (hnd)

Additionnal content

Table of content
Cover page