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1.1 Background of the Study

It is certain that processing of students result is quite voluminous and time

consuming as a result of increase in the in-take of students into higher

institutions of learning. As a case study HND II Computer Science

Department Kaduna Polytechnic Kaduna there arise the need for efficient and

effective management of students data that evolve from time to time. This

could be achieved through the development of a relational database model in

handling information about the students on course registration result

processing and manipulation. Providing quality education requires that

university and polytechnic administration manage enrollment to maintain

institutional integrity while faculty must ensure effective and efficient delivery

of instruction effective communication with students and collaboration

between student and lecturers.

Most public universities and polytechnic have seen increased of more than 90

percent in faculty department and programs over the past 10 years to

accommodate increase student enrollments. This growth has not been

accompanied by corresponding increase in technological infrastructure

however between 1990 and 2000 in most Nigerian institutions student get

feedback only from year-end examinations grades. This happen for various

reasons such as high lectures to student ratio due to increase student numbers

cancellation of tutorial session because of lack of space. Some programs give

student one assignment for the whole academic year while other programs do

not give assignments. Moreover a few institutions have experienced

widespread cheating on examinations bringing into question integrity of

examinations result and of the institutional managers.

First a commitment analysis must be done where a Result Management

Statement is drawn up for each Result Management definition in terms of

purpose students result scope. The aim with this analysis is to determine

continuous key objectives and performance standard for each Result

Management. Following the commitment analysis is the work analysis of a

particular Result Management description is not available then a system

analysis can be done to draw up a result management description the aim with

this analysis is to determine the continuous critical objectives and performance

standard for each result management.

Given these challenges what factors must university and polytechnic

management and faculty consider in selecting a system to support teaching and

learning? And how can they choose a computer in management information

system (CMS) that will be accepted by all.

My study aimed to identify critical factors to consider in selecting a computer

in management information system (CMS). A secondary goal was to identify

management rate in selecting a computer information system (CMS).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The existing computer system implements the “traditional approach” to

database system. If the MIS wanted an overall view of the students file before

the required statistics could be obtained. This process has often been too

laborious to be considered and this vital information on result processing could

be lost.

Other shortcoming of traditional approach includes: It is difficult to integrate

data from various sources data storage is tied to specific application program

i.e. sharing of data among various application is difficult program/data

dependences exist poor user interface its file base system not database it

generates have limited report (i.e. cannot generate a class list from it) no

security measures. Also records of students which are no longer required

cannot be deleted from the programme.

Hence it is against these sorts of unsatisfactory background that modern

database computer system was born.

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Project

The aim and objectives of the project are:

● To improve school management with control of its operational student


● Data redundancy can be wholly eliminated or minimized.

● To allow related student data to be integrated and shared.

● To allow security policy and restriction to be enforced e.g. access right

like password.

● To enable students data integrity and consistency

● Provision of easy backup and recovery procedure

● Achievement of data independence

● Reduction in the overall time spent on result processing and


● Common standard can be enforced for instance management can

decide on the format of data.

1.4 Significance of the Project

This project work will no doubt have profound influence in the following ways:

● Improving the flow of information for management and students.

● Provide problem solving facilities for management

● Provision of acceptance or affordable/adoptable result output (i.e.

printing of the output/report in a more clear format).

● It will provide room for deleting students record that are no longer


1.5 Scope of the Project

This project work can only cover for HND II Computer Science Department

Kaduna Polytechnic and other levels will not be discussed.

1.6 Limitation of the Project

This project work would not cover the area of transcript generation. Although

transcript system which is an application on its own could be integrated into

result management system since the student transcript is generated based on the

existing student data. Due to time constraint as this is a project work the

transcript generation is exempted. Because it requires more time and its an

application of its own and more advanced.

1.7 Definition of Terms

● RMS (Result Management System): This is both the project name

and the resulting application program that would be developed for the


● MIS (Management Information System): This is the combination of

human and computer-based resources that results in the collection

retrieval communication and use of data for the purpose of efficient

management of operations and for business planning.

● CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average): This is the sum of points

in previous semester plus sum of points in present semester divided by

those of credit points in previous semester plus sum of points in present


● Traditional Approach: It is file oriented. This is because the primary

purpose of many applications is to ensure that data required to produce

management information are maintained on the master file.

● Database System: A database system is a term that is typically used to

encapsulate the constructs of a data model database management

system (DBMS) and data base.

A database system is a way of organizing information on a computer

implemented by a set of computer programs. This kind of organization

should offer

Simplicity - (an easy way to collect access-connects and display


Stability – (to prevent unnecessary loss of data)

Security – (to protect against unauthorized access to private data)

Speed – for fast results in a short time and for easy maintenance in case

of changes in the organisation that stores the information.

In other words database system is basically a computerized record

keeping system i.e. a system whose overall purpose is to maintain

information and make information available on demand.

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    higher national diploma (hnd)

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