1.0 Introduction
Production planning is the basic life wire of every organization. An
organization which has much interest on the quality of its product must have a
good product planning. Further more for products planning to be effective
there are certain tools which are expected of a company to apply. One of the
basic tools is linear programming. Therefore it is of the interest of the
researcher to see the need for applicability of linear programming using
simplex method to ease products planning.
Based on assumption it is believed that such application can bring about
effectiveness in the production planning and thereby increasing the output of
1.1 Background of the Study
The term operational research came into being during the Second World War
as a result of research on military operations during this war. However the
technique and model employed dated flack to earlier dates. During the war it
was apparent that a single professional or profession cannot provide realistic
solution for the logistic and tactical needs of the military. As a result many
professionals from different fields were engaged to deal with the logistics of
various military operations.
After the war. following the success recorded by this group attempts were
made at applying the same model and technique to civilian problems. A force
to reckon within the development or the postwar operational research was
George B. Dantzig He developed the linear programming problem and its
solution method known as the Simplex Method in 1947 (Sharma 2004).
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The goal of every organization is to see how it could put the available scarce
resource into optimal use. However. most organizations are composed of systems
that work interdependently to achieve the organization's set objectives.
The Nigerian Breweries is a manufacturing company. Like any entrepreneur. The
aim is to maximize profit and reduce cost. Some of the problems faced by the
company are:
i. This company is faced with the problem of power supply which is most of
the time erratic in Nigeria. So they have to resort to the use of private
power supply.
ii. The company also have problem of water supply which is an essential
component in their manufacturing process. Dysfunctional water supply
could mean periods of reduced or non-production.
iii. The company is also faced with problems of logistics; especially
transportation. With the non-motorable Nigerian roads and poor road
networks delivery of finished products to the end consumers acquisition
and supply or raw materials are compromised.
All of these problems contribute immensely to the cost of production. It is the
aim of this study to find ways of reducing cost and increasing profit.
1.3 Significance of the Study
The operational research remains an invaluable tool in the provision of optimal
solutions to problem(s) faced by many systems. In spite of these erstwhile
antecedents no work has been done on this area to the best of my knowledge. It
became important therefore that I bring to notice the relevance of this subject to
all and sundry. It is the aim of this work that the applicability of operational
research will be well illustrated to enhance its usefulness among system
Operational research is important in striking a balance between conflicting
objectives especially where there are many alternative course of action for the
decision maker. A single decision that is best for the whole organization is
called global optimum. One that is good for only a faction of the organization
is called suboptimum decision. Operational research attempt to find global
optimum by analyzing interrelationships among the several components
involved in the problem.
1.4 Aims and Objectives of the Study
i. This Research will be conducted to investigate and give the company an
idea on how to accurately allocate their scarce resources among competing
alternatives and be able to make optimum profit for different production
ii. The research is aimed at improving the production situation of the
company and also encourages the company to accept (increase/improve)
the production of the most profitable product(s).
iv. The findings and recommendations will not only assist the Nigerian
Breweries to improve their production but will help in cutting cost
and this will lead to an increment in profit making.
1.5 Scope of the Study
This project is concerned with optimization of the production mix in order to
obtain the mix that gives the maximum profit to the company. The parameters
involved in the linear programming model are assumed to be known with
certainty. Therefore where there is a change in any of the parameters the
optimality of the result obtained here could not be guaranteed.
1.6 Limitation of the Study
Due to lack of time and fund the research will be carried out only within the
organisation. The data to be collected will also be strict due to policies of the
1.7 Definition of Terms used in Linear Programming Problem
In this section we are giving definition of some terms used when solving linear
programming problem using Simplex Method.
Optimization is the determination of an optimal value
(maximization/minimization) of an objective function subject to a set of
Linear Programming
Linear programming deals with the optimization (maximization/minimization) of
a function of variables known as objective function subject to a set of linear
equalities and/or inequalities known as constraints. The objective function may
be profit cost production capacity or any other measure of effectiveness which
is to be obtained in the best possible or optimal manner. The constraints may be
imposed by different sources such as market demands production processes and
equipment storage capacity raw material availability etc (Gupta and Hira 2002).
Simplex Method
Simplex method is an algorithm.
An algorithm is a process where a systematic procedure is repeated (iterated)
over and again until the desired result is obtained.
The interpretation of the dual problem also provides an economic interpretation
of what the simplex method does in the optimal problem. The goal of the
simplex method is to find how to use the available resources in the most
profitable feasible way. To obtain this goal we must reach a basic feasible
solution that satisfies all the requirements on profitable use of the resources.
(Hiller and Lieberman 2005).
Decision Variables
This refers to candidates (products service project etc) that are competing with
one another for sharing the given limited resources. These variables are usually
inter-related in terms of utilization of resources. (Kapoor and Kapoor).
These are linear regressions which are expressed in mathematical form. The
limitation under which optimization is to be carried out (like production capacity
man-power machine etc) which are to b allocated among various competitive
activities. These constraints must be capable of being expressed as linear
equations or inequalities in terms of decision variables. The solution of a linear
programming model must satisfy these constraints. (Kapoor and Kapoor).
Objective Function
The objective function is a linear form that describes the effectiveness of the
model which was to be maximized as a mathematical relationship expressed in
terms of the decision variable. (Kapoor and Kapoor).
Optimum (Optimal) Solution
The basic feasible solution to linear programming problem is said to be optimal
solution if it give a maximal or minimal of the objective function.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
higher national diploma (hnd)