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Background to the study

The lack of discipline among students is one of the greatest

problems faced by secondary schools today.

Oladela (1989) equally observed that one of the major problems in

the school system is that of controlling the unwanted behaviour of

students which in most cases is not consistent with the school

rules and regulations. General observation of secondary schools

today show that most students lack discipline.

The term discipline means “training to act in accordance

with rules or behaviour in accord with rules of conduct” (Ani

2002). Ani sees discipline as readiness or ability to respect

authority and observe conventional or established laws of the

society or any organization. It can therefore be said that discipline

implies not only the ability of one to exercise self control but also

the ability to respect constituted authority obey the rules and

regulations of the society and conform with the norms of any


Ndu (1997) distinguish between self-imposed discipline and

discipline imposed by others.

Nduka and Eneasato (1998) opined that indiscipline is a

behaviour that totally neglects and ignores constituted authority

leading to a situation where established rules regulations norms

laid down procedures and patterns of normal behaviour are not

observed in the day-to-day activities of the individual or group.

Okeke (1997) observed that the misbehaviour of students range

from casual to criminal. Such misbehaviours or offences committed

by students include: truancy cheating in examination bullying

drug and sex abuse rebellion rioting destruction of school

property stealing raping cultism lateness loitering smoking

absenteeism and even killing. For example Achilefu (1989) stated

that disruptive behaviour which is indiscipline is a legal concept

generally applied to children who exhibit behaviours that are

punishable by law. Indeed this act of indiscipline is affecting both

schools and society.

Obi (2004) described the features of the students of today

saying that the students of today are more conscious of their rights

and freedom are more sophisticated with their own ideas beliefs

and values and want to lead the society in which they live hence

indiscipline flagrant disobedience and disrespect for constituted

authority organized violence and demonstration mean nothing to


What bothers most well-meaning persons particularly in

Enugu North Local Government Area is that the ‘deluge’ that is

threatening and almost engulfing the entire structure of the society

if left uncontrolled will affect the society and the future of the

children. Camwest (1990) asserted that lack of discipline among

students is one of the greatest problems faced by schools today.

In summary indiscipline occurs and results when one

refuses to accept a systematic training through education which

leads to a disciplined mode of life that is in harmony with the rules

of society. In spite of the disciplinary measures employed by the

principal students still go out of order and thereby perform badly in

their school work. The disciplinary measures employed by

principals are no longer suitable for this jet age.

Ocho (1997) Opined that schools must have discipline in

order to achieve the aims of Nigerian education since there is no

freedom without discipline. Obi (2004) agreed with Ocho stressing

that discipline is one of the most crucial elements in the

ethos of

the school. Without discipline the learning situation is hollow or

even non- existent and the products of such undisciplined situation

are a threat to their home and society. In the holy Bible Proverbs

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    masters degree

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