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Over the years the examination results of students in Senior

Secondary Schools in Kaduna North Local Government have been

very low. On this note this study is aimed at evaluating the

guidance and counselling programmes in these schools

promotional examinations public examinations such as SSSE

conducted by WAEC and NECO and the JAMB results have of

recent been of great concern due to mass failure.

In view of the above there is the need for a holistic evaluation of

guidance and counselling programmes in Senior Secondary

Schools of Kaduna north local government. There are other

problems affecting the student such as poor study habit school

drop outs mass examination failure as stated above drug abuse

early child pregnancy etc.

This study will examine guidance and counselling services in these

schools (SSS 1-3) it implementation and subsequently the

evaluation to ascertain it success or otherwise.


The function of education is to provide opportunities for each

student to reach his/her full potential in the areas of educational

vocational social and emotional development.

With the continued mass examination failure poor academic

performance drug abuse cultism school dropout early child

pregnancy scarcity of guidance and counsellors in schools the

above objectives may not be achieved. This study is therefore

designed to examine the activities of guidance and counselling

services in Senior Secondary Schools in Kaduna north local

government. As contained in National Policy on Education (2000)

guidance and counselling services has become an integral and

essential component of Nigerian educational process for all

students as they progress through the educational system.

From the foregoing evaluation of guidance and counselling

services is very vital to the success of the implemented guidance

programme. That is why Sambo (1998) posed the view that

guidance and counselling programme should always be evaluated

in order to improve the effectiveness of every staff member

involved in it. This will help to determine if the programme has

achieved it goals.


The transitional government from military to civilian with it various

policies on education has over the years adversely affected the

smooth implementation of vital education programmes as

guidance and counselling service in Kaduna north local

government. Infrastructural decay dilapidated classrooms and

furniture has been a major problem in the educational sector of

the Kaduna north local government. Proper remuneration and

motivation has been teh bane of teachers in this local government.

All these are quite attributable to poor academic performance of

students in senior secondary schools in Kaduna north local

government. In view of the above the successful implementation

and timely evaluation of guidance and counselling programmes in

senior secondary schools in Kaduna north local government will

bring about a major landmark in the academic pursuit and

performance of students in promotional and public examinations in

senior secondary schools in Kaduna north local government.

The issues of poor study habit school dropout cultism

examination malpractices and all other social vices in the school

setting will be greatly addressed. The improvement of poor

classroom provision of desks chalkboard teaching aids alongside

the implementation and evaluation of guidance and counselling


programmes in senior secondary schools in Kaduna north local

government will be observed.


Among the reasons attributed for poor academic performance of

students in senior secondary schools in Kaduna north local

government include poor learning facilities in the class rooms such

as inadequate classrooms chalkboards desk chairs and teaching


The utter neglect of teachers welfare has multiplying effects on the

school setting in Kaduna north local government especially in the

senior secondary schools.

In view of the above development guidance and counselling

services and it periodic evaluation will go a long way in correcting

the anomalies in senior secondary schools in Kaduna north local


The 2004 National Policy on Education specifically stated the

inclusion of guidance and counselling in our schools from primary

to tertiary institutions. In guidance and counselling programmes

and evaluation cannot be overemphasized.


For some time now the results of Senior Secondary School

examination results in Kaduna north secondary schools have been

characterized with mass failure. Joint Admission Matriculation

Board (JAMB) examination result has not made any significant

improvement in the recent years. Examination malpractice poor

study habit school dropout cultism drug abuse etc. has been on

the increase in Kaduna north local government. Implemented and

evaluated guidance and counselling programme will drastically

reduce the menace to a barest minimum. That is the essence of

this study as the importance of guidance and counselling services

cannot be over emphasized.


The purpose of this study is to assess the extent to which

guidance and counselling programme is implemented and

periodically evaluated in senior secondary schools in Kaduna north

local government. The specific objectives of the study include:

(a) To find out if guidance and counselling programme is

complemented in senior secondary schools in Kaduna north

local government.


(b) To assess the extent to which guidance and counselling is


(c) To examine the extent to which students in senior secondary

schools participate in the guidance and counselling

programmes in Kaduna north local government.

(d) To find out the roles played by the teachers counsellors and

social workers in the implementation of guidance and

counselling programmes in senior secondary schools in

Kaduna north local government.

(e) To assess the extent of implementation of guidance services

in both public and private senior secondary schools in

Kaduna north local government.

Positive changes in outcome of the above mentioned vices of

students behaviour is anticipated as a result of students’

participation in the school guidance and counselling programme.

This study is concerned with the evaluation of guidance and

counselling programme in senior secondary schools of Kaduna

north local government.


1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions are formulated to facilitate the

findings of this study:

1. Are there enough qualified counsellors in SSS 1 – 3 schools

in Kaduna north local government are of Kaduna state?

2. To what extent are the available schools counsellors

adequate for counselling students in these schools?

3. To what extent are the counsellors qualified?

4. To what extent are guidance and counselling programme

being used in your schools.


To and the course of this research the hypothesis below is


1. There is no significant relationship between guidance and

counselling programme and evaluation in senior secondary

schools in Kaduna north local government.


The importance of guidance and counselling programme can not

be overemphasized in the school setting therefore this research

study on completion will be of immense benefits to students


parents teachers scholars researchers and the general public.

The research will reveal the major problems of poor academic

performance examination malpractice poor study habit cultism

etc. This research will also suggest ways through guidance and

counselling programme can eradicate the above mentioned

problems and the improvement of academic performance in senior

secondary schools in Kaduna north local government.

Furthermore the study will reveal the effects of guidance and

counselling programmes in senior secondary schools in Kaduna

north local government.

This study will enlighten the teachers and social workers on how to

participate in guidance and counsellors programmes in senior

secondary schools in Kaduna north local government of Kaduna


In summary this research when completed will serve as useful

source of information to scholars in this field and a reference to

future researchers in guidance and counselling services. This

study will enable any member of the public interested in knowing

more about the role of guidance and counselling programme in the

school setting and the society at large.



The following terms are defined in the context in which they are

used in this research.

Guidance: This means an assistance given to someone in order

to make him/her aware and know the direction he or she is coming

from and going in life.

Counselling: It is a process concerned with assisting normal

people to achieve their goals or functions effectively.

Programme: Programme in the context of this study is academic

activities designed to enable students achieved their objectives.

Evaluation: This is a judgemental procedure employed to see

whether the guidance and counselling programme is efficient or


1.8 Delimitation of the Study

This study examines the evaluation of guidance and counselling

programmes in senior secondary schools in Kaduna north local

government of Kaduna state. The study will be carried out in

senior secondary schools of public and private in Kaduna north

local government.


Due to time constrains and limited resources available to the

researcher the study will be conducted in five (5) selected senior

secondary schools in Kaduna north local government area of

Kaduna state. The selected schools are:

1. Doka Boys Secondary School

2. Sardauna Memorial College

3. Government College Kaduna

4. Providence Academy

5. Queen Amina College


Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    barchelors degree

Additionnal content

Table of content
Cover page