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In any organisation whether profit or not profit oriented objective

cannot be achieved in a vacuum these must be clearly cut strategy

that management should employ in order to meet these objectives.

Many businesses fail to realize that they cannot stay in Business

without marketing strategies. This is because they were operating in

a market that was monopolistic in nature. This means that there was

know intense competition from other organisation. But these days

due to dynamic nature of the market and consumer taste changes

everyday it has become imperative on the part of the Business to

look into their strategies and receive them if at all they want to remain

in Business.

Hence marketing strategy is the backbone of any business

organisation. There is the need for marketing and its effective

utilization as it cannot be over-emphasized marketing in Nigeria is

yet to be accorded its proper and rightful place. As rightly claimed

that marketing is a discipline i.e. consumer oriented then the

question now arises what is 7UP Bottling Company Plc doing or what

effort is the industry making to achieve its corporate objective as well

as meeting for consumer satisfaction and desires.

Based on the above the researcher has undertaken to study the

marketing strategies in the industry with a view to clarify her



The history of marketing some what post date the history of

civilization scientists have discovered ornaments poultry and a variety

of artifacts far from their point of production indicating that trade was

carried on beyond recorded history. Specialized middlemen were

common in ancient Greece and Rome and they are still have with use

today. And during the Middle Ages trade flourished in the northern

European and the Mediterranean cities.

However early commence was conjured largely to luxury product

such as species juries and expensive cloths the read on being that

contribution expensed were so high that only those items could bear

them almost all people raised their own good made their own

clothing provided their own shelter and were in other ways

self-sufficient. Only the very rich purchased goods that came from a

distance. The few products that were purchased by ordinary people

were generally made near where they lived.

The character of marketing changed of drastically with the coming of

the industrial revolution made production resulted in a phenomenal

increase. In the amount and variety of goods that had to in marketed

as well as in geographical specialization people living near the

factory could use only limited amount of the factor’s output so market

located else where had to absorb the surplus production.

The marketing field is bound both by the environment and by the

limited imposed by the perception of the observer. In some

companies marketing is still concerned with little more than sales

force and advertising management in other firms marketing is an

integrative corporate activity that provides the direction for corporate

strategies planning.

In non-business organisations executives are only beginning to

perceive the potential of marketing in achieving institutional goals.

The difference between the approaches is due in part to the

perceptions of management and its attitude towards change.

The producers’ ultimate succeeded depends primarily on how well it

performed outside in the market. Therefore the first task of the firm

is to study its perspective buyer’s who are they? Where are they?

What factors are important in their purchase? For non-purchase of

our product?

The second task of the firm is to develop products or services which

satisfy customers’ needs and wants.

A third marketing task is to set prices and terms on these product that

appear reasonable

marketing mix strategies activities in relation to sales growth and


b. To determine the effectiveness of marketing mix activities to

inform and stimulate the customer.

c. To determine how marketing mix strategies influence customers

buying decision.

d. To identify and describe the problem of marketing strategies in

the Seven-Up Bottling Company.

e. To draw conclusion and make suggestions for improvement

based on the study.


To decide the outcome of this study the hypothesis are formulated to

be tested as well as to obtain meaningful information that will aid the

making or valid conclusion and recommendation.



: Marketing strategies enhances 7-Up marketing performance.



: Marketing strategies does not enhance 7-Up marketing



The significance of this research work cannot be over emphasized. It

includes the following:

a. Like all research work the study is to increase and widen the

scope of the researcher’s knowledge. It will also serve as a

good material to carryout future research in this area.

b. It will aid and guide policy makers e.g. management supervisor

employees government agencies etc. in the attainment of

goals and objectives.

c. This research work will serve as an asset to students lecturers

d. It will also be beneficial to manufacturing industries. Hence the

study will serve as a check to create balance on the area they

find themselves lacking in their undertaken.


“Marketing strategies on the sales of an organisation” being a

complex and dynamic concept has a wider area of coverage. It

encompasses the meaning of marketing strategy and how to regulate

and discover the needs of consumers because consumers are

considered as “the king” in marketing management.

Hence a study of this nature is focused to encounter some

constraints such as the following:

a. Time Constraints: Marketing strategies is focused to

encounter problem and researcher is not going to be writing

everything because of time limit which will not permit me to find

detailed information on all the present happenings in the Nigeria


b. Finance Constraints: The researcher find it difficulty to travel

in order to get the required information because the cost of

transportation of data is very high and unbearable and this has

affected the extent to which data was collected.

c. Also the unwillingness of the management to release

information no matter how minute. It was only when the

researcher pressured and promise that any information given

would be treated as confidential that some of the management

members agreed to give the desired data solicited.


Marketing: Is that management function which organizes and directs

business activities in assessing customer needs and converting

purchasing power into effective demand for a specific product or

service and moving that product to the final consumer or user so as

to achieve the profits targeted or other objectives set by the company.

Marketing Mix: Different elements of the marketing process that

needs to be effectively coordinated with the decision about marketing.

Marketing Strategy: Is the plan that an organisation adopts to

achieve its objectives.

Concentrate Marketing: The practice of firms that select a small

segment of the total market and devote all their marketing resources

to satisfying this segment.

Customers Needs: The requirement of a potential consumer that

have to be satisfied for the maintenance of life.

Customer’s Orientation: The inclination in marketing of serving

customer lead as company’s priority.

Industrial Goods: Products purchased by companies used in the

operation of their business e.g. raw materials.

Innovations: The developing and introducing of new products or

service to the market.

Marketing Potential: An estimate of capacity of a particular market

to buy a product or service at a certain time.

Market Share: The percentage of total market sales in a given

period that is attributable to one business company.

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    higher national diploma (hnd)

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Cover page

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