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For the past one(1) decade the availability of camp beds at

hospitals home five(5) stars hotels educational institute and

recreational centre’s has increased dramatically. Camp bed

development has been on progress up to a point that effective

efficient inexpensive camp bed with ability to carry heavy weight

are available in schools relaxation centers at home and even in

hospitals for rest. Many middle and low class workers have also

purchased and are still purchasing camp beds for home use and

for office use. In accordance to the importance and use of camp

bed it is therefore forecasted that in the next one (1) - two (2)

decades to come camp bed will be found every where in the world

due to it portability cost and maintenance.


Apart from air and water adequate rest is the next pasil necessity

for life without adequate rest the existence of life is impossible for

all nature. Due to its importance it has been obvious for people

both the low middle and high class earners to travel along

distance home in order to have a rest .the absence of camp bed in

every where has made life some how difficult for people. in rural

areas knowing that farming is the major occupation over there

after the job the work has to arrange some fallen trees in order to

have a rest in almost all developing countries the use of camp

beds are few due to the rate of production of camp beds many

people have been on the sick bed in the hospital due to lack of

rest. In recent years some methods have been adopted to avoid

the hospitalization of people due to lack of rest by the production of

camp bed folding type that can be used any where in life due to its

flexibility and portability and it has teen care of all the problem of

lack of rest like nocturnal myoclonus obeysity hyporentilation

syndrome sleeping sickness somniloduy sleep apnea ondine’s

course parasomnia depreviation.


In all design criteria provision for modernizing whatever equipment

objects or tools produced must be available to increase it’s specific

efficiency effectiveness and improving it’s characteristics at any

time the need arise.

This improvement could either be by changing the design of the

existing product entirely or by increasing it’s efficiency. Similarly

idea has therefore been adopted in the design and construction of

this particular camp bed (folding type). The aim and objectives of

this design and construction is to change the design of the folding

legs of the existing camp bed and beautifying it so that it will be

effective for both internal and external use.


The project design and construction of camp bed (folding type)

which is manufactured with a full working efficiency and portable

mechanical camp bed with a considerable capacity of withstanding

load. Though the bed is to be constructed with a readily local

available material which is cheap in terms of material cost and

construction processes.

This camp bed is expected to carry load within it’s limit. However

the camp bed can only withstand load to a certain limit. I.e two

people cannot sleep on it at once.

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    national diploma (nd)

Additionnal content

Table of content
Cover page

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