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Over the years Nigeria has experienced series of

attacks and blests in most parts of the country. The

violent agitations by militants in the Niger Delta” (MEND).

So many splinter groups hide under this body to carry out

their nefarious acts of rebellion against the Nigerian state

to express their grievances over the degradations of their

environment through the operation of the multinational oil


Similar groups exist in other parts of the country and

they include; the “oduduwa people congress (OPC) which

is located in the south-west. They are often called the

Afeinifere group. There exists also the “movement for the

actualization of sovereign state of Biafra” in the south-

East while the „Boko Haram” uses the Northern part of the

country as their operational base.

This research study will critically scrutinize and

evaluate the activities of the latter amongst the afore

mentioned political and religious sects because that is the

thrust of this research. It can be deduced that poverty

and youth restiveness are instrumental to the incessant

crisis that has bedeviled our beloved country „Nigeria‟.

People are said to be poor when they experience lack of

sufficient income to purchase material needs which often

excludes individuals from partaking in generally accepted

activities of daily life in the society at large. According to

ALI MASRUI in his „paradox of retardation” Africa is not

the poorest of the regions of the world but it is the most

retarded. He argued that Africans are richly endowed and

as such they have no reason to be poor.

Despite the fact that June 102006 marked 50 years

of oil exploration and production and over $400billion

accrued to the Nigerian state in terms of revenue Nigeria

is still referred to as one of the poorest countries in the

world. This often makes one to wonder how much of this

revenue actually found its way into the region where this

oil is produced in the way of investment in infrastructure

or the development of human capital. Such economic

growth is yet to be translated to economic development

and an appreciable increase in the standard of living of

the Nigerian masses. The economic social and cultural

rights of the people in the Niger Delta which is the main

oil producing region in the country continous to be

unrealized thereby increasing and escalating the level of

frustration and tension both within and between

communities. This increasing marginalization

environmental degradation and the attendant with the

multinational oil companies preserve poverty perceived

insensitivity on the part of the state and failure of the

state to ameliorate the sufferings of the people have

pushed or rather forced the inhabitants of the region

specifically the youths to the edge.

These amongst other perceived injustice have made

the youths to become very hostile and restless therefore

creating an atmosphere of fear chaos and tension. This

drift to violence has unleashed a monster that is now a

nuisance to everyone irrespective of personality. The

attack are so indiscriminate that even babies the aged oil

companies and asset to pipelines are frequently targeted

for attacks and sabotage.

Having established a relationship between poverty

and youth restiveness we shall now take a look at the

Boko Haram crisis for a comprehensive understanding of

the research study. Boko Haram as the name denotes

does not have one particular meaning. The name more or

less connotes different meanings to different people. The

group is a Nigerian Islamic group that seeks the

imposition of Shariah group belief (Shariah law)

throughout the whole of Nigeria. Figuratively members of

this group believe that “western education is a sin”.

Presently the group has an undefined structure and chain

of command. It is of a paramount importance to note that

the official name of the group is „Jama‟ Atu Ablis Sunna

Lidda‟awati Wal-Jihad‟ which means or rather is

tantamount to “people committed to the propagation of

the prophet‟s teaching and Jihad.

Since its formation in 2002 in Maiduguri by the

leader of the group Mohammed Yusuf the Boko Haram

has been a thorn the flesh of Nigeria‟s security agencies

precisely the police force over its opposition to western

education that it believes is a sin. In the year 2004 the

Islamic fundamentalists group relocated its base to

Ranamma Yobe state. The new location was named‟

Afghanistan” and from there the group set about

attacking and leaving members of the Nigerian police


In and interview with BBC in the year 2004 Yusuf

the leader of the group was quoted as saying that “this

war that is yet to start would continue poor a very long

time. Five years later i.e. in the year 2009 Yusuf was

killed under the police custody in a violent clash between

the Boko Haram and the security forces. Nevertheless his

demise did not quell the activities of the group he

founded it rather made them grow more in aggression.

Amongst the various crisis due to bombings carried

out by Boko Haram are;

The Nigeria sectarian violence in the year 2009.

The Bauchi prison break 1


Abuja – 2


Abuja the

northern Nigeria bombings in the year 2011.

The attack on the police headquarters on June 16


The attack on the ......................Madala Catholic Church

(St Theresa) on the 25


of December 2011 just to

mention but a few.

In conclusion at this juncture this research work will

critically analyze the three concepts i.e. poverty youth

restiveness and Boko Haram in order to create a better

understanding in the minds of the readers and more so to

contribute to existing knowledge of literature.


It is no longer news that the activities of the Boko

Haram and other similar politically religious sects have

often led to loss of property lives and even the

breakdown of law and order peace and security in the

Nigerian society at large. From the foregoing it has been

observed that a lot of attacks have been made on so

many states which includes even the state capital (F.C.I)

What puzzles most observers is that most of these

attacks appears not be executed by suicide bombers yet

the culprits often get away unharmed. This leaves a big

question mark in our security agencies as regards their

duty in the protection of lives and properties and the

procurement of weapons of mass destruction to combat

this menace which is eating deep into the Nigerian society


Opinions are however divided over the propelling

force of this group for instance while some argue fact. It

is in a bid to eradicate these incessant chaos and

destruction which has often led to loss of assets that we

pose a few research questions in a view of obtaining

reasonable and positive answers. Thus:

i. What is the relationship between poverty and

youth restiveness in Nigeria.

ii. Does the Boko Haram crisis pose a threat

development and Nigeria‟s corporate existence?

iii. Is military option capable of lacking the Boko

Haram crisis in Nigeria?


The main thrust of this study is to establish the

following significance:

i. To ascertain the relationship between

poverty and youth restiveness in Nigeria

ii. To find out if Boko Haram crisis poses it

threat to development and Nigeria‟s

corporate existence.

iii. To explore whether military option is

capable of lacking the Boko Haram crisis

in Nigeria.


This study will definitely put the 1cmp on the cake to

already exuding literatures of poverty and youth

restiveness in Nigeria. Its importance lies in the fact that

it is currently a prevailing cancaworm and it is very

spontaneous and topical.

Moreso it will act as a guide to the government in

their guest the problems associated with poverty in



This review is precisely concerned with pre existing

views and perceptions of various scholars and

academicians as regards their contributions to the subject

matter which is the research study. It is as a result of

this that we will take two major variable into review/

these related variables are poverty and youth restiveness.

When talking about poverty organizations often use

different definitions. According to the World Bank

organization; it

Poverty is defined relative to the standards of

living in a society at a specific time. People live

in poverty when they are denied an income

sufficient for their material needs and when

these circumstances exclude them from taking

part in activities which are an accepted part of

daily life in the society (UKCAP 1997; Galloway


What the world bank organization is saying in

essence is that poverty cannot be defined separately

without talking the economic situation into keen

consideration. When individuals or a given greater number

of citizens in a country cannot purchase their insatiable

needs (both material and non-material) then they can be

referred to as wallowing an abject poverty. This according

to the world bank organization is as a result of the denial

of their income as a result of the fact that the principles of

„PAYE‟ i.e. pay as you earn is not always applicable to

every society; therefore individuals tend to pay higher

taxes than they earn and this leaves the bourgeoisies

richer while the peasants and proletariat keep on getting


According to the House of Commons Scottish affairs

committee: “These are basically three current definitions

of poverty in common usage” these in clued: absolute

poverty relative poverty and social exclusion. They not

only mentioned the afore listed but also went ahead to

elucidate on them.

Absolute poverty is defined as the lack of sufficient

resources with which to keep the body and soul together.

Relative poverty on the other hand defines income or

resources in relation to the average. It is concerned with

the absence of the material needs to participate fully in

accepted daily life. Social exclusion as the third division of

poverty is a new term often used by the government.

According to the prime minister social exclusion can

be defined as ...... a shorthand label for what can happen

when individuals or areas suffer from a combination of

linked problems such as unemployment poor skills low

incomes poor housing hich crime environments bad

health and family breakdown. From the afore mentioned

we can see that the farmer i.e. WBO concluded or rather

condensed the absolute and relative poverty definitions of

the latter into a single meaning. Nevertheless the

definition given by the House of Commons Scottish affairs

committee is more comprehensive because it

encompasses all facets of human existence. We must note

that definitions differ according to their narrowness or

breath that is in terms of whether they are confined to the

material core.

The nature of that material core and whether they

embrace also rational/symbolic factors associated with


Nolan and Whelan (1996:193) are among those who

aroue for a definition towards the narrower end of the

scale on the grounds that too broad a definition runs the

danger of losing sight of the distinctive „core notion of


Following Townsend (1996:188) they define poverty

in terms of the inability to participate in society (which is

broader than more absolute‟ definitions confirmed to

subsistence needs) but emphasize that what is distinctive

is the inability to participate owning to lack of resources.

This confines their definition to those areas of life where

consumption or participation are determined primarily by

command over financial resources (1996:93) veit-Wilson

19982004). By implication they exclude non-material

elements found in broad UN definitions for example ‟lack

of participation in decision making” “a violation of human

dignity‟ powerlessness‟ and susceptibility to violence‟

(cited in Langmore 2000:37) similarly they exclude some

of the non-material aspects emphasized by people in

poverty themselves such as lack of voice respect and

self-esteem isolation and humiliation (UKCAP1997

Galloway 2002).

At this juncture we must note that it makes sense to

pitch the definition of poverty towards the narrower end of

the spectrum of non poverty. Another source of variation

is definitions of poverty reflected in the literature on

measurement lies in whether they are rooted an

conceptualizations that are concerned with; on the one

hand a person‟s material resources especially income

and on the other with actual outcomes in terms of living

standards and activities (Nolan and Whealan1996).

Stein Ringer (1996) defined poverty from two

dimensions namely; the first case and the second case. In

the first case poverty is defined indirectly through the

determinants of ways of life while in the second case he

defined poverty directly by way of life (1987:146).

Practically these two approaches are often treated as

complementary (as in Nolan and Whelan‟s definition


Ringers own definition is not unusual in combing the

two: “a low standard of living meaning deprivation in way

of life because of insufficient resources to avoid such

deprivation‟ (1987:146). Put simply someone is “poor”

when they have both a low standard of living and a low

income‟ (Gordon etal 2000:91). A.B. Atkinson in his

definition of poverty make a related but more

fundamental distinction between a concern with standard

of living and a concern with a citizen‟s right to minimum

level of resources (1989:12). He also added in 1990 that

poverty is increasingly being conceptualized as a denial of

human and citizenship rights. This conceptualization of

poverty is also helpful from the perspective of

understanding and combating written poverty.

Millar and Glendimning (1991:464) propounded the

feminist definition of poverty saying that the feminist

concept of poverty can be described in terms of an

individual right to a minimum decree of potential

economic independence. This view focuses on the

individuals capacity to be self-supporting on the grounds

that people who are financially dependent upon others

must be considered vulnerable to poverty (1992:9). We

must note that the notion of vulnerability is helpful to

understanding the situation of women without an

independent income who nevertheless enjoy a

comfortable standard of living. From these we can now

gather information that poverty is the inability to

participate in society involving both a low income and a

low standard of living.

Sen. takes a step backwards from both income and

living standards to ask why they mother. His answer is

that they don‟t matter in their right for they are simply

instrumental to what really matters namely the kind of

life that a person is able to lead and the choices and

opportunities open to her in leading that life. At the heart

of this approach as an understanding of living as involving

being and doing‟. Sen uses two key words to express this

idea. „functioning‟s and capabilities‟. The former refers to

what a person actually manages to do or be; they range

from elementary nourishment to more sophisticated levels

such as participation in the life of the community and the

achievement of self-respect. The latter on the other hand

denote what a person can do or be that is the freedom

people enjoy to choose between different ways of living

that they can have reason to value (1990). He argues that

money is just a means to an end and that they goods and

services or „commodities‟ it buys are simply particular

ways of achieving functioning‟s.

According to Karl Max money may be instrumental

but it is also insparable from the power that it confers: I

can carry (money) around with me in my pocket as the

universal thing into the hands of the private person who

as such uses this power (1987). Therefore he of the view

that one danger of downplaying income when defining

poverty is that it can be used to justify a policy stance

opposed to raising the incomes of those in poverty.

The European commissions definition of poverty

which was adopted in 1984 goes thus: the poor shall be

taken to mean persons families and groups of persons

whose resources (material and cultural social) are so

limited as to exclude them from the minimum acceptable

ways of life in the member state in which they live.

Poverty is a crisis that is habitual and it conveys message

of hardship which is difficult to deny. It speaks publicly

through visible misery persisting destitution endemic

hunger and visible malnutrition (Akanmidu 2004).

Due to its nature the endemic poverty afflicting the

people of the Niger-Delta amidst plenty has led to a state

of hopelessness and the recourse to violence against the

state and multinational oil companies operating in the

region. Although poverty is central to the concept of social

quality its reduction represent an indicator of social

quality it is only one of a number of conditions that serve

to diminish social quality and cannot serve as the sole

measuring rod (Beck etal; 1997:11:2001).

Relative poverty places poverty in the context of

inequality within societies. The act of comparison between

those on lower and inphering ethnic groups inevitably

highlights any inequalities of material resources that may

exist between the groups being compared.

At this juncture we must note that relative poverty

and inequality are not necessarily synonymous as they are

sometimes juxtaposed. Inequality is concerned solely with

the comparison between groups while relative poverty

adds to that comparison the notion of the incapacity to

meet certain needs broadly defined to include

participation in society. Thrust of these findings is that it

directly leads to restiveness of youths all over the country


Moreso failure to give quality attention to the review

of the meaning of youth restiveness as propounded by

scholars will render this review incomprehensive. This is

because by so doing by reviewing the concept of “youth

restiveness” we will be able to establish a relationship

between the two variables (poverty and youth


On the 14


of January 2010 the former inspector of

police Mr. Mike Okiro identified; marginalization

unemployment youth exuberance and above all poverty

as a major attribute of youth restiveness in the country.

Okiro said this in a lecture which was titled “youth

restiveness and electoral process in Nigeria”.

In the past youths were perceived as heroes of

nationalist movement. As students they were the militant

wing of the anti-colonial struggle. The Sikist movement

popularized the anti-imperialist consciousness theorized

by the earlier elder nationalist (onoge) in the year 2004.

the famous political bureau report of 1986 also affirmed

linkages of youth and national destines without recourse

to philistine pejorative slander. In the context of Nigeria‟s

historical experience youths and students have rendered

very valuable and vital contributions to the struggle for

liberation and national development. They can constitute a

reservoir of energy and dynamism. For any national

struggle or campaign if they are correctly guided

mobilized and fully integrated into the social fabrics of the

nation. They may also constitute a threat to national

survival and stability if they are allowed to drift are

unemployed if they are undisciplined and morally

bankrupt. We must note that there is no nation upiring to

major national greatness and success that can afford to

ignore the youths and allow them to often constitute a

major social problem in the society. This is because of the

fact that they i.e. the youths happen to be or rather

constitute a very vital source of manpower and they have

in their possessions the existence of availability of

leadership potential.

The youths can also acquire knowledge and are so

full of future promises and positive expectations. It is

often believed that once these innate potentials in them

are fully exploited and properly channeled only then can

their contributions to national development be immense.

The youths can also be referred to as the most committed

group in the organization of voluntary social work or

community development (CD) projects in their various

localities. They often engage in these acts of nation

building during their service years in the (NYSC) that is

“national youth service corps that is “National youth

service corps”.

As student they are always in the fore front as

regards the struggle against injustice oppression

subjection subjugation and exploitation. They therefore

constitute a militant force in any political system. Many of

these activities have been recognized and acknowledged

in Nigeria. Unfortunately however their positive

contributions have tended to be drowned by rather

frequent and sometimes violent protest actions. These

incessant protest actions are promptly suppressed by

authorities and sometimes by ruthless means.

So far it has deduced that the youths still remain

one of the greatest asserts that any community can

posses. Potentially they are the greatest investments for

a society‟s sustainable development and future. This

among others is the reason why it is universally

acknowledged that positive fundamental and meaningful

changes ineered ofostered and or shaped by the

generation of youths in the society.

Therefore we can now say that any culture or

community whether macro community or a micro

community i.e. big or small community that allows a

good percentage of her youth to be misdirected or misled

risk her future viability and survival into jeopardy. The

activities of the youth is now perceived as a social

problem or menace. This is because they have been

alleged defilement of traditional “core values” and have

rather stooped or resorted to carrying out public or

societal vices.

In Nigeria today economic problems have provided a

platform for expression of violence and conflict be it

political ethics or religious. Most significant of such

conflict is the crisis in the Niger Delta which at the onset

was economic but has become a hydra-headed monster

that threatens the political and economic security of the

nation-youth restiveness is a despicable act being

perpetrated by a significant proportion of the youth an

various communities that can no longer be ignored. As the

name denotes it is a combination of any action or conduct

that constitutes unwholesome socially unacceptable and

unworthwhile activities engaged in by the youths in any

community. It is a phenomenon which in practice has led

to a near breakdown of law and order low productivity

due to disruption of production activities increasing crime

rate intra-ethnic hostilities and other criminal

tendencies. In the oil producing areas in Nigeria the

communities still lack basic social infrastructures or

infrastructural facilities culminating largely into high levels

of poverty mass unemployment environmental

degradation and other social vices.

The resultant future of this today is that we have a

near dicey situation in our hands as far as youths

population now abounds and there is now a national crisis

on the youth front. When considering youths questions

they are often grouped into categories. These include the


The national dimension is reflected in formal bodies

such as the OPC Arewa youth Massob Egbesu boys of

Africa etc. These are publicly acknowledged bearers of

structured political and economic agendas of geo-ethnic


There is also a rise in organized youth delinquencies

in Nigeria cities today popularly known as “area boys”

resident mostly in Lagos. They often operate under the

umbrella of a specific city turf.

There are a number of smaller youth association in

the states local governments and towns across the

country today.

There is emergence of cult gangs on computers

which has facilitated the assimilation and sub assumption

of students in the inclusive category of the youth.

There is an increase in the number of youth and flee

the country through illegitimate means in order to make a

living in other countries facilitated by global network.

It is often perceived that these restiveness in youth

is usually caused by certain factors which can be

individual or societal. These include: marginalization –

youths often stoop to restiveness or rather tend to be

restive when they perceive marginalization by selfish

government personnel.

Unemployment: they contribute a large army of the

unemployed therefore they tend to look at their plought

as the making of a cruel society that does not seem to

care for them.

Exuberance: They often channel their raw energy

into wholesome and socially unacceptable vices. Having

said this we can see that it is only a thin that separates

poverty from youth restiveness.


The relative deprivation frustration aggression theory

will stand as the theoretical framework of this study.

Dollard (1939) submits that the primary source of the

human capacity for violence appears to be frustration

aggression mechanism. According to him anger induced

by frustration as a motivating force that disposes main to

aggression. Frustration as an interference with goal

directed behaviours.

According to Gurr he defined relative deprivation as

“a perceived discrepancy between relative deprivation and

their value capabilities”. Value expectations are the goods

and conditions of life to which people believe they are

rightfully entitled. Value think they are capable of

attaining and maintaining given the social means available

to them. He also suggests some variables that affect the

intensity of emotional respond to the perception of


The first proposition is that the greater the extent of

discrepancy the man sees between what they seek and

what seems to be attainable the greater their anger and

consequence disposition to aggression.

A second proposition relates to “opportunities”. Men

who feel they make many ways to attain their pals are

less likely to become angry when one‟s blocked than those

who have few alternatives.

A third general proposition is that the greater the

intensity of men‟s expectations the creator their anger

when they meet unexpected or increased resistance. Gurr

further states four interviewing variables thus: the

legitimacy of the political regime in which violence occurs

coercive potential institutionalization and social structures

which they condition the perception of deprivation.

In a related manner James Davies attributed violent

outbreak to the frustration that result from short term

decline in achievement following a long term increase that

generate expectation about continuing increase.

Basically a person thwarted in the attempt to reach

a goal is made angry and likely to protest against the

imputed source of frustration. This Dowse and Hughes

observe in social life men come to value many things

status power security equality freedom wealth etc.

when they cannot achieve those value means loosing

another angry dissatisfactions and in the cases

aggression occur Mayer (1976) argue in support that the

normal tendency towards violence aggression or dispute is

increasingly frustration desires. To him when a goal

presumably attractive two or more individuals is made

available in such a way that it can be obtained looser.

Those frustrate actors in political system can become

sponsors of things kidnappers.

Davies (1973) observes that aggressive action

required four (4) main steps namely activation of demand

frustration of demand mental processes of deciding how

to overcome the frustration and action. It is important to

note that various individuals or groups involved in political

and or religious sects such as the Boko Haram engage in

such violent activities because they perceive a sense of

disloyalty and injustice on the part of the government.

This is often due to the fact that their needs are not

properly met and as a result of this they stoop to violent

means inform of rebellion against the government that

has lost their popular support and legitimacy hence this

leads to restiveness among youths and invariably there is

lose of lives and property.

According to Kerlinger (1977) a theory is a set of

interrelated constructs (concepts) and propositions that

presents a systematic view of phenomena by specifying

relations among variables with the purpose of explaining

and predicting the phenomena. Having said these among

all the paradigms drafted by various schools over the

years the focus therefore so on the Boko Haram crisis

and its effect on „property and youth restiveness in



In accordance with the research questions and

founded on empirical verifications deduced from the

research study 1 hypothesize this:

i. There is a relationship between poverty and youth

restiveness in Nigeria.

ii. The Boko Haram crisis seems to pose a threat to

development and Nigeria‟s corporate existence.

iii. Military option appears to be capable of tackling

the Boko Haram crisis in Nigeria.


The method of data collection used in this research

study is the secondary source which is also known as

documentation. Due to the spontaneous nature of the

issue under investigation we gathered information from

magazines journals newspapers textbooks internet

materials which are relevant to the study.

Method of data analysis

The framework of content analysis is what will

adopted due to the fact that it will aid us in giving better

appreciable acknowledgement to the study and make us

knowledgeably acquainted to the subject under analysis.


The scope of this research work is quite broad that it

encompasses the investigation of “poverty and youth

restiveness in Nigeria‟ a case study of the Boko Haram

crisis” from the year 2002 till date. This is because of its

spontaneous nature.

In view of the limitations of this study various factors

contributed in affect no the researchers

comprehensiveness and totality in carrying out the study.

Among these factors are scarcity of relevant materials on

the issue due to its continuous evolving nature and

virginity financial constraints and other taxing campus

engagements and the fact that the crisis experienced its

apex in the course of the research interval.

Despite the afore mentioned shortcomings and

hindrances the research study no doubt turned out to be



This entails stating the meaning of various concepts

used earlier so as to give a better understanding of the

meaning and also give a vivid picture of these concepts in

the minds of the readers.

Poverty............... this can be defined as the lack of

sufficient resources with which to keep the body and soul

together which often leads to disparity and inequality

within societies. It can also be defined as the state of

being financially ambalanced which makes the individual

unable to associate fully in economic activities.

Youth restiveness: this can be defined as a

combination of any action or conduct that constitutes

unwholesome socially unacceptable and unwortwhole

activities engaged in by the youths in any community. It

can also be referred to as a desplicable act which is being

perpetrated by a significant proportion of youths whose

activities have led to a near breakdown of law and order

low productivity due to disruption of production activities.

Marginalization: This can be seen as an unfair

discrimination of a group of people making them feel

unimportant and powerless.

Subjugation: As the name implies this can simply

be referred to as the act of defeating a person thereby

making the victim to obey the oppressor. It is similar to

the term oppressor.

Conflict: This can simply be put thus; a state of

disagreement or argument between people groups

countries e.t.c. it can further lead to war loss of lives and

properties or even outright death if not properly controlled

and resolved.

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    barchelors degree

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Table of content
Cover page

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