Evaluation is a systematic determination of a subject's merit worth and significance
using criteria governed by a set of standards. (Wikipedia 2011)’
Tufo (2013) agreed but defined evaluation as assessing and judging the value of a piece
of work an organization or a service”.
Safety as defined by Longman’s Dictionary of Contemporary English (1978) is a
condition of being free from danger harm or risk. Bokinni (2006) on the other hand
describe Safety as a control of recognized hazards to attain an acceptable level of risk.
Safety also can be seen as being protected free from danger providing good protection
unharmed not injured with a laid down procedure. Safety is also described as organized
way of keeping person machine and equipment out of hazards and destruction (Daniel
Practice is the process of repeating something many times in order to improve
performance. Encarta Dictionary (2009).While MayerR.E. (2008)Practice is the act of
rehearsing a behavior over and over or engaging in an activity again and again for the
purpose of improving or mastering it. Gobet (2011) on the other hand describe practice as
a method procedure process or rule used in a particular field or profession;
Printing is a manufacturing industry that uses several hazardous chemicals highly
volatile solvents and other metals for print production. Example is lead in which one part
of the metals that form the alloy for type casting is used for relief printing. Chiromah
Many workers are unaware of the potential hazards in their work environment which
makes them more vulnerable to injury. Daniel (2008) posited that An effective safety
evaluation depends on the credibility of management's involvement in the industry;
inclusion of employees in safety decisions; rigorous work place analysis to identify
hazards and potential hazards including those which could result from a change in work
place conditions or practices severe prevention and control measures and thorough
training in safety assessment. He further explained that Safety evaluation should be of
paramount importance to all aspects within the printing establishment whether or not
they are regulated by government standards.
Enforcement of safety laws is a basic form of strategy in which safety evaluation is being
promoted. Lawal (2008) observed that many laws have been made in an effort to reduce
accidents. Regulations ordinaries and other guidelines abound in many different safety
regulated fields with thousands of laws standards and regulations. Various measures have
also been taken to enforce compliance.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require one to carry
out a risk assessment and implement any necessary control measures including
safeguarding and safe systems of work. Regulations 5 and 6 of the Provision and Use of
Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER 98) require that safeguards are maintained
inspected and tested.
According to Olatoye (2011) “The plan to improve the resulting impact of improperly
managed safety evaluation has informed the need to put improvement measures in place
at global and local levels to protect the working environment. He emphasized that in
other to curtail further hazard in the working environment and also to protect the Health
and Safety of staff all the uncontrolled dangerous activities going-on within the working
environment especially that of Printing Industrial facilities must be moderated.
Kaduna the capital of Kaduna State is the political/Economic capital of the 19 Northern
states of Nigeria. Therefore Kaduna has been home to several medium/ large printing
establishments. So it is considered as the nerve center for printing activities in the
Northern States (Okunola 2006). Within the Kaduna metropolis Kaduna north local
Government area houses most of the printing companies hence its choice as the case
study for this project.
It is believed that the number of accidents occurring in the Nigerian printing industry
each year is now numerous that is why working safely is to protect oneself and
co-workers from injury. Anyone interested in his own safety and that of his co-workers
will not encourage or participate in any horseplay that may lead to injury that make it
difficult for a worker to perform his duties to the fullest (Ayoola 2008). Evaluating safety
is accident prevention and with a good safety practice accidents can be avoided to a large extent. Accident which may appear initially minimal may result in physical and mental anguish; it may cause a man his livelihood and result in permanent disability and inability to perform his work.
The printing industry uses consumables such as chemicals for image generation on plate
(plate development) volatile solvents for blanket cleaning Arabic gum for plate
preservation and adhesives for print finishing book binding and book re-enforcement.
A huge volume of paper cards and boards are consumed yearly aluminium printing
plates (pre-sensitized plates/factory made plates). With the advent of computer in the
printing so many cartridges of tonal and inkjet cartridges Inks of different formulations
are massively used in all the printing processes Laser paper/monochromatic films are
used for computer color separation and computer printout for plate making. In screen
printing meshes are also used (Chiromah 2013) .Considering these evaluating the
practice of safety should be a major concern for everybody in the printing industry
Generally workers in the printing industry are aware of safety procedures to some extent
but the background above have shown that inspite their limited knowledge avoidable
accidents occur regularly. The issue is that safety rules and procedures are not effectively
and efficiently communicated to the industry. The dangers and consequences of not
following safety guidelines are frequently and most times deliberately ignored thus
accidents are inevitable (Stacety 2004).Based on the above context this study is
designed to evaluate the safety practices in printing firms in Kaduna metropolis with a
view of reducing the rate of accidents in the industry.
The general purpose of this study is to evaluate safety practices in Nigerian printing
industry. The study is specifically set out to
i. To find out how safety practices be introduced in the printing industry.
ii. To identify why workers are ignorant of common safety precautions in the
printing industry.
iii. To examine how effective safety procedures and precautious be communicated to
the workers in the printing industry.
iv. To highlight the dangers of neglecting safety precautions in the printing industry.
The study brings to light an evaluation of safety practices in the printing industry and the
following are the benefits from these research work.
1. The workers and management will benefit from this work as it will enlighten them
on the dangers of neglecting safety precautions
2. The student on industrial attachment will also benefit by knowing how important
safety practice is.
i. How can safety practices be introduced into the printing industry?
ii. Why are workers ignorant of common safety precautions in the printing industry?
iii. How can effective safety procedures and precautions be communicated to the
workers in the printing industry?
iv. What are the dangers of neglecting safety precautions in the printing industry?
The study is actually intended to examine the level of Safe practices that is being
provided in the average Nigerian printing firm but with special attention to the printing
firms in Kaduna North Local Government.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
higher national diploma (hnd)