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Radiography is a branch of medical sciences which administers

x-radiation to create images (radiographs) of the body from which

medical findings can be made-diagnostic radiography. This

procedure is identified by a term called “Radiographic examination”.

Professor Wilhelm Conrad Roentger was credited to have discovered

x-rays in November 1895. In one of his investigations he found out

that one property possessed by x-ray is its ability to pass through

solid objects and reveal the internal structures. This discovery

become relevant in medicine for diagnosis (medical finding) and

therapy (treatment) and thus the profession of Radiography was born.

The basic for this research however is the chest which is an

important part of the human anatomical structure/existence with the

radiographic investigation of possible problems of the chest chiefly

pulmonary tuberculosis.

A chest radiograph (x-ray image) shows most organ in the chest

such as the heart lungs airway blood vessels and lymph nodes. It

also shows the bones of the upper thoracic spine and chest with the

sternum (breastbone) clavicle (collarbone) and ribs.

A chest x-ray is the primary and most common imaging tests used by

physicians (doctors) to diagnose and treat medical conditions inside

the chest such medical conditions include pneumonia lung cancer

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) pneumotherax

(collapsed lung) cardiomegaly (enlarged heart) congestive heart

failure (CHF) and problems causing fluid in the lungs.

It also helps to find the cause of common symptoms such as fever a

bad or persistent cough (that could possibly arise from tuberculosis

infection) shortness of breath chest pain or injury (such as lung

damage or rib fracture(s)).

A chest radiograph can also be used to find foreign bodies diagnose

emphysema and other medical conditions.

Nevertheless doctors may not always get the required information

from a chest radiograph to find the cause of a problem because of the

fact that some conditions of the chest cannot be detected on an x-ray

image. For example very small cancers a blood clot in the lungs

(pulmonary embolism) can not be seen on a chest radiograph

therefore if the results from a chest radiograph (usually read and

given by a radiologist) are abnormal or do not give adequate

information about the chest problem more specific x-rays or other

tests may be done such as a computer tomography (CT) ultrasound

echo-cardiography or MRI (Medical Resonance Imaging) scan.

But first of all let us explore radiographic examination of the chest to

find out pulmonary tuberculosis infection. Welcome!!

1.1 Background of the Study

It is pertinent to note that record has it that pulmonary tuberculosis

(PTB) was a “Great White Plague in the early centuries which

threatened mankind to extinction. There was no immediate and

possible cure then so the discover was believed to be incurable that

belief or assertion lead scientists to put up a befitting fight against the

epidemic. At last a cure was found and mankind heaved a sigh of


Unfortunately the World Health Organisation (WHO) reported in the

late 1980s that a steady drop in pulmonary tuberculosis decrease in

the mid 1980s stagnated and even began to increase in developing


As a result of the development by the disease the World Health

Organisation in 1993 declared it a global emergency. Since then the

incidence of the disease has been on the increase and become more

difficult to handle especially in developing countries with over 7

million people developing tuberculosis every year and an annual

mortality rate of over 3 million people. Despite the high rating of

improvement in health care practice globally pulmonary tuberculosis

has remained major health problem and source of worry with Kaduna

state inclusive.

This situation therefore calls for an urgent attention and concerted

effort to ascertain or find out the causes of the disease and possibly

suggest profitable solution(s) that could be implemented by law in

order to curb the menace hence the desire/reason to embark on this


1.3 Purpose of the Study

This research will definitely serve such purpose as:

i. Enlightenment (of the several public) on the mode of infection

or transmission of the disease

ii. To alert the public on the dangers of living in crowded and dirty


iii. The need for early medical attention/advice by those prone to

tuberculosis infection

iv. Educating tuberculosis patients on the need to take

good/balanced diet regular drug intake as prescribed by the

doctor and the importance of proper disposition and discharge

of their waste.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This research will among other things:

● serve as an advisory note to policy makers in the field of

medicine especially in Kaduna state;

● serve as a guide to those who don’t have the disease;

● serve as a healthy companion to those who have the disease

1.5 Research Questions

i. What are the causes of pulmonary tuberculosis?

ii. What are the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis?

iii. How can we educate patient with pulmonary tuberculosis


iv. What are the dangers of pulmonary tuberculosis?

1.6 Scope and Limitation

The scope and limitation of this study only borders Kaduna state with

particular reference to 44 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital Kaduna

to investigate chest abnormalities with special interest in pulmonary


Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    national diploma (nd)

Additionnal content

Table of content
Cover page