Background of the Study
Health reform demands a system that is evidence based cost effective and
offers that highest quality of care New Model of care delivery must be
innovative in order to attain these goals. Team of health professionals
providing health care must be highly educated and possess advanced skills
this new paradigm will presents as unique opportunity for the nursing
profession to full new leadership position and leverage it” strength in team
based roles (Institute of Medicine 2008).
For the past decade nursing research has provided the evidence that
higher education will make a difference in clinical practice. These studies
demonstrate that nurses who hold a bachelor degree have better patient
outcomes such as lower mortality and failure to rescue rates. Additionally
research has indicated that nurses with a Bachelor of Science in Nigeria
(BSN) are more proficient in their ability to make nursing diagnosis and
evaluation nursing interventions as well as demonstrate improved
professional integration and research evaluation (Institute of Medicine
The mandatory continuing professional development programme nurses
and midwives in Nigeria is the brain child of the Nursing and Midwifery
Council of Nigeria and it was introduced because the council is concerned
with improving the quality of nursing care in Nigeria the purpose is to
update the knowledge of nurses in order to assist and appreciate
advancement in nursing practice with the dynamics of changes in the
profession. As a result of these development the nursing council
established a central committee to design and develop the medical surgical
nursing modules in February 2008.
All nurses in government and private services including the retired; who
want to renew their licence and engage in other nursing activities are
expected to participate. It is compulsory for all nurses and midwives to
participate in the two volumes within three years before licenses are
renewed (NANNM 2011).
As our health care system changes there is need for more nurses with
bachelors degree or higher degrees. The patient population is aging and
more patient are presenting with more and more complicated condition.
Health care is relying ever more heavily on information technology more
people are able to access care not only do we need more BSN prepared
nurses to provide care in this increasingly complex system we also need
more nursing facility at our institution of higher education to educate the
next generation of nurses knowing what motivate nurses to seek BSN and
higher degree is crucial.
World Health Organization (WHO) related that human genetic encourages
health professional growth according to them they are ready to support an
educated and informed health work force to provide the best health service
to population and to achieve the best possible health for all. The key role
of advance educational needs of nurses with advanced knowledge health
care service worldwide (WHO 2011).
Motivators as a result of higher education include as interest in career and
professional advancement gaining new knowledge improving social
welfare skills and being a positive model for one’s children. Registered
nurses have a desire to achieve personal and job satisfaction and
professional achievement nurses with Bachelor degrees are more likely to
being extremely satisfied with their jobs compares with nurses who hold
associates degrees (Christine 2012).
According to the 2008 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses; while
the number of diploma graduates has decreased the number of associate
degree graduates is on the rise. A key recommendation of the Institute of
Medicine Landmark Report that the future of nursing leading change
advancing health is to have nurses achieve higher level of education with a
goal of 80 percent of nurse holding a bachelors degree or higher by 2020.
Studies has identifies the factors that best predict whether nurses will
return to school to ear higher degree (WHO 2011).
Continuing education is most commonly used to describe planned
educational offerings aimed at improving the knowledge skill or attitudes
of practitioners. Nurses often participate in continuing education activities
in a mandatory selected manner with little structure or defined
expectations for resultant change in clinical practices (Forsetlund 2009).
Continuing education is one component of continuing professional
development which is a broader concept involving set directed life long
learning. The American Nurses Association stated that nurses have a
responsibility for attaining the knowledge and competencies that reflect
current practice. The underlying philosophy of our cardiovascular
education curriculum is that participation in structure continuing education
will engage participants to embrace lifelong learning (American Nurses
Association 2004).
Advanced nursing education is better for patient care. Among the key
messages of the Institute of Medicine is that nurses should achieve higher
level of education system that promote seamless academic progress related
to recommending set goal to increase proportion of nurses with bachelor’s
degree from 50% to 80% and double the number of nurses with doctorate
by 2020. In the previous year American Initiative related to nursing
education include effort to either create a new nursing education program
or to improve on the existing once. They also advocate for the promotion
of legislature and educational activities in nursing e.g. (Florence
Nightingale 1860) said “we must be learning all our life”
Statement of the Problem
Nurses and midwives in Usman Danfodio University Teaching Hospital
Sokoto are still practicing with their first register nurse certificate or at
most an additional post certificate in nursing. They are not making effort
to obtain a higher education in nursing which have led to repetition of old
ways of practices. It is difficult for the nursing staff to meet up with
modern standard of practice which is “evidence based practice”.
Inadequate educational preparation and experience have not allowed such
staff to put in their best in the practice area. These have led to low
performance and poor moral at the work places leading to disadvantages in
their career progression. Failure to meet total need of their patients this
have led to their major consequences of not advancing in knowledge is
that nurses resource will not be able to face the increasing complexity in
health care and other noted changes in practice.
Theoretical formulation scientific discovering technological innovation and
development of new treatment are not utilized adequately. As a result of
the above the researcher will like to appraise the mandatory continuing
professional development programme among nurses in Usman Danfodio
University Teaching Hospital Sokoto.
Objective of the Study
The study will be guided by the following objectives:
1. To determine the factors preventing nurses from furthering their
2. To determine the level of implementation of mandatory continuing
professional development programme by the nurses in Usman
Danfodio Teaching Hospital Sokoto.
3. To determine the challenges faced by nurses on continuing
4. To suggest means of enhancing continuing education for nurses.
Significance of the Study
The study provide general overview for the practices nurses and their level
of academic qualification in Usman Danfodio University Teaching Hospital
Sokoto. It is also identify and suggest solution to some of the barriers that
are currently impending on nurses ability to meet with the growing demand
for a better nursing education and practices.
This research study will enable challenges that nurses are currently facing
due to lack of continuous education. All stakeholders in Usman Danfodio
University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) Sokoto would understand that there
is need to make provision for nurses to advance in their education so as to
meet up with the current standard and challenges in the health care
Research Questions
1. What are the factors preventing nurses from furthering their
2. What are the level of implementations of mandatory continuing
professional development programme?
3. What are the challenges faced by nurses on continuing education?
4. What are the ways to enhancing continuing education for nurses?
Scope of the Study
The study is designed to appraise the mandatory continuing professional
development programme among nurses in Usman Danfodio University
Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) Sokoto.
This study areas was selected because of higher number of nurses
personnel working in the institution also most of the nurses staff in Usman
Danfodio University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) Sokoto have been exposed
to mandatory continuing professional development programme since 2011
to date.
Operational Definition of Terms
Appraisal - A judgment or assessment of value of MCPDP
MCPDP - Mandatory continuing professional development
Education - A process of teaching training and learning especially
in school or colleges to improve knowledge and develop
Professional - A person who does a job that needs special training
and a high level of education.
Development - The process of gradual growth directed change so that
it becomes more advanced stronger etc.
Midwife - A person who having been regularly admitted to a
midwifery education programme duly recognized in the
country in which it is located have successfully
completed the prescribed course of studies and has
acquired the requisite qualification to be registered and
licensed to practice midwifery.
Nurse - A person who is qualified in the art and science of
nursing and meet certain prescribed standard of
education and clinical competence to provide service
that are essential in the promotion maintenance or
restoration of health and well being.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
national diploma (nd)
Additionnal content
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