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Background of the Study

The National Philosophy on Education state that education is an

instrument for development to this end the formulation of ideas their

integration and the interaction of persons and ideas are all aspects of

education. Every Nigeria child have right to equal educational

opportunities irrespective of any real or imagined disabilities

according to his or her ability.

In light of the above sex education as defined by Ball (1990) is a

process of providing correct complete information guiding and

educating an individual on his reproductive organs and how to take

care of them and these process should start immediately after birth

and not until one reach puberty. Every individual needs sex

education to control sexual feelings.

The five (5) main national goals of Nigeria which have been

endorsed as the necessary foundation for the National Policy on

Education are the building of:

a) a free and democratic society

b) a just and egalitarian society

c) a united strong and self reliant nation

d) a great and dynamic economy

e) a land full of bright opportunities for all citizens

National Policy on Education 4th edition (2004).

Sex education is an important concept world wide and a very vital

issue to be discussed by families communities and schools.

Analyzing the attitude of students toward sex education should the

parents or teachers be blame? Some parents think that sex

education spoils children while others do not.

Also records in some school under study reveal that from 2005 to

2007 four girls were expel from school due to unwanted pregnancy.

Number of dropout of students have increased yearly to about four or

five student in a year due to misbehaviours or bad influences.

Sex education is a broad term used to describe education about

human sexual anatomy sexual preproduction sexual intercourse and

other aspects of human sexual behaviour.

Instead of morality toward the effect of sex education what is seen is

immorality which results to so many problems among are unwanted

pregnancy and abortion.

Statement of Problem

The background of the study has shown that despite efforts made

through sex education in secondary schools there are cases of

unwanted pregnancy substance abuse high number of school

dropouts prostitution and various forms of sexually transmitted

diseases (STD). Based on the above content this study is designed

to explore the attitude of students towards sex education.

Purpose of study

This study identified attitude of students toward sex education in

senior secondary schools at Gombe Road of Bauchi local

government specifically the study will:

1. Determine the content of sex education in secondary school


2. Find out the attitude of students towards sex education in

secondary school

3. Identify factors responsible for poor acceptance of sex


Significance of the Study

When the attitude of students towards sex education is identified the

students will develop good moral sexual behaviours develop

measures to integrate and respond to the ethics of the community

and also appraise sound educational standard.

The finding of this study will identify the attitude aimed at ensuring

that parent will see the need to properly educate their children

towards having a sound sexual life.

It is hoped that government as a model for setting excellence and

standard will use the finding of this study to promote sex education in

various Federal/State schools and improve the confidence of the

public towards sex education in the country.

Scope of the Study

The study focuses on the attitude of student towards sex education in

senior secondary school in Gombe Road of Bauchi local government

area of Bauchi state.

Research Questions

1. What should be the content of sex education in secondary


2. What are the attitudes of students towards sex education?

3. What are the factors responsible for poor acceptance of sex


Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    national diploma (nd)

Additionnal content

Table of content
Cover page

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