Background of the Study
Evaluating the implementation of nursing process for improved
clients care is quite significant very necessary and important.
Evaluation measures the effectiveness of an action carried out. It
promotes and questions goal achievement of a planned action.
Evaluation is defined as the judgement of the effectiveness of nursing
care to meet client’s goal based on the client’s behavioural response
(Adejumo and Olaogun 2009)
This implies that evaluation in nursing practice has to do with judging
the effectiveness of the nursing action carried out on the client and to
decide the improvement of the client health status following the care
rendered. Evaluation of care is one of the advantages of nursing
Implementation is the practical way of putting plan either
verbal or documented into actions. However most of the care
rendered to client must be put into practical action in order to be able
to evaluate its implementation properly. Frankly speaking
implementation is the action phase of nursing process in which the
nurse carries out the plan of care (Brunner and Suddert 2004).
Critical thinking problem solving and decision - making skills are
essential for implementing the nursing plan as well as ability to
perform psychomotor skills. During implementation the nurse
continually assesses the client’s response and movement towards
goals and obtains data for use in evaluating the effectiveness of
nursing intervention and need for alternative actions.
The nursing process is a problem-solving approach that enables
the nurse to provide care in an organised scientific manner. The goal
is to alleviate minimize or prevent actual or potential health
problems. Nursing process is very significant when evaluating
problem in any health setting in accordance with quality assurance
(QA) and improved care of clients which is linked with quality
improvement (QI). The nursing process can be applied in any
interaction that involves a nurse and a client. The process can take
place in a variety of setting private home or long term care facilities.
Initially the steps are followed in sequence after the process has
begun; it becomes a cycle (Garba 2009). However the nursing
process provides an exiting arena for nurses to claim their role as
carers. The basic principles of this holistic approach that are
interwoven through the nursing process are consistent with the views
of health and healing globally (Adejumo and Olaogun 2009).
‘‘Improved clients care ’’ as a concept of this research work has
to do with better care/nursing actions rendered to the client to achieve
a better qualitative and positive result than the initial one. The
essence of improved clients care lies on the great benefits to the
client the nurses and the nursing profession. However skills that are
required in nursing process are necessary for the clinical application
of knowledge and theory in nursing practice. Moreover nursing
process has become an internationally accepted concept for providing
qualitative and interactive client care. Presently there are six phases
of the process which are assessment diagnosis outcome
identification planning implementation and evaluation (Adejumo and
Olaogun 2009).
1.2 Rational/Theoretical Framework
Many theories exist for better understanding of nursing
assessment of client’s needs. Each of these theories focuses on the
client/patient as an individual with nursing needs. The purpose of a
theory in nursing is to achieve the desired outcome of nursing. A
theory is a scientifically supported statement that describes explains
or predicts the interrelationship among concepts. According to
Rotimi (2006) different types of nursing model/theories are used to
gather necessary and relevant information from the client in order to
effectively deliver quality nursing care and to enhance quality
Abraham Manslow Hierarchy of needs assist the nurse to
determine the ranking of the problems encountered by the clients.
Abraham Manslow Hierarchy of needs is a theory that views man as
an integrated whole that is influenced by internal and external needs.
In this theory the needs of man are arranged into categories with the
most basic need at the base of the pyramid. Manslow stated that the
higher needs only emerge after the lower ones have been gratified.
This was illustrated in a pyramid of human needs:
● Physiological needs which include food air water rest
elimination sexual gratification etc.
● Safely and security needs. This includes worthiness trust etc.
● Love and belonging needs. Includes affection approval.
● Esteem and recognition. Includes respect beauty physical
appearance knowledge etc.
● Self actualization respect fulfilment in life.
This theory of Abraham Manslow Hierarchical needs is applied in
assessment phase and in setting goal during planning phase.
Also Gordon Majory’s Eleven Functional Pattern Theory states
that all human responses fall within the eleven Functional pattern
which includes:
● Health perception
● Nutritional/ metabolic pattern
● Elimination pattern
● Activity/Exercise pattern
● Sleep and rest pattern
● Self perception- concept pattern
● Cognitive – Perception/Relationship pattern
● Sexuality – reproductive pattern
● Coping – stress tolerance pattern
● Value- belief pattern
This theory is usually adequately applied in the first phase
(assessment) in nursing process and it is best used in data
organization from which nursing diagnosis of client is deduced.
Furthermore Virginia Henderson (1968) stated that the unique
function of the nurse is to assist the individual sick or well in the
performances of those activities of daily living which he/she would
normally perform unaided if he/she had the necessary will
knowledge strength etc and to do it as quickly as possible to aid
recovery restore health or a peaceful death.
Virginia Henderson postulated fourteen activities of daily living
(ADL) which helps individual to carry on in life autonomously. She
expressed that the view that the nurse is and should be legally an
independent practitioner once she is not diagnosing treating a
disease or making a prognosis as this falls within the physicians’
responsibilities. Therefore the nurse has authority to nursing care
using the following activities of daily living:
● Breathing normally
● Eating and drinking adequately
● Elimination of the body wastes
● Movement and maintenance of desirable postures
● Sleep rest or play
● Maintenance of body temperature
● Grooming of body and protecting the integument (skin)
● Avoidance of changes in the environment and injuries to others
● Clothing
● Communication
● Working/learning/Discovery
● Worship
● Reproduction/Sexuality
● Death.
It is important to note that a theory or combination of theories/models
serve as the frame work/guidelines on which nursing care is planned
organised and implemented for improved clients care and to ensure
quality assurance in nursing practice.
1.3 Statement of Problem
Nursing process is very important to the nursing profession
hence evaluating its implementation is very necessary. It has been
observed that nurses are yet to live up to expectation as far as nursing
process is concerned particularly in Ahamadu Bello University
Teaching Hospital. It was also discovered that nurses in this hospital
have ready made answers for not wanting to implement the nursing
process and if they have to do it student nurses are instructed to
perform this function with little or no close supervision by the
registered nurses. Several efforts have been made to find out the
reasons for this poor attitude as regards the implementation of nursing
process in Ahamadu Bello University Teaching Hospital Zaria. It is in
view of this that this research will be embarked upon in order to
unveil the factors that affect the implementation of nursing in the
management of the clients. This evaluative study will reveal current
position and provides the way forward towards the implementation of
nursing process for improved clients care.
1.4 Purpose of the Study
This study will be guided by the following specific objectives:
● To determine nurses knowledge and attitude about nursing
● To examine the utilization of nursing process in solving clients
● To examine the factors that affects the implementation of
nursing process.
● To determine the effect of the use of nursing process in
Ahamadu Bello University Teaching Hospital Zaria.
1.5 Research Question and/or Hypothesis
The following research questions were raised for the study:
● What is the nurses’ knowledge and attitude towards nursing
● Do nurses actually apply this knowledge of nursing process in
clients’ management?
● What are the factors that may affect the implementation o the
nursing process?
● Is the nursing process effectively used for client care in
1.6 Significance of the Study
The study is deemed necessary because such study i.e.
“Evaluating the Implementation of Nursing Process for Improved
Client Care” in a Nigeria teaching hospital will be beneficial to
individuals groups community and institutions.
The study will assist the nurse to be able to evaluate the
implementation of nursing process in her hospital the factors
affecting the implementation as well as how to improve on these
factors or the way forward. Secondly the study will proclaim
nursing profession by making it more scientific and researchable. It is
obvious that implementation of nursing process in the Nigerian
hospital is a problem. As such data can be collected to find out why it
is a problem. Thirdly government and non governmental
organisations will definitely benefit from this research work as it will
assist them in formulating health policies that will be of benefit to the
Furthermore the study will assist in improving the quality of
care given to the public and clients. In fact the health of individuals
families and the society at large will be improved.
Also the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN) will be
of benefit because the study will assist her (NMCN) in maintaining
standards in the nursing profession by determining what knowledge
and skills are to be attained by individuals seeking to be members of
the nursing profession. The study will also benefit the institutions of
learning by formulating comprehensive clinical procedures and
development of curriculum for training of student nurses. Lastly the
study will also provide a framework for the evaluation of client’s
health condition.
1.7 Limitations of the Study
The limitation of study is strongly related to time factor as well
as financial implications which have to do with feeding and
accommodation expenses.
1.8 Scope/Delimitations of Study
The study will be carried out at Ahamadu Bello University
Teaching Hospital Zaria Kaduna state and the study is targeted at 160
out of the nurses working in the permanent site and Tudun Wada
1.9 Operational Definition of Terms
● Evaluation: This means assessing the success of any action
carried out on the client with the hope of determining the
● Implementation: It is a practical way of putting verbal/written
professional (nursing) plans into action.
● Nursing: It is the art of giving practical and verbal advices
correction lectures actions and care to both sick and healthy
people in order to promote their health status.
● Nursing process: This is current way of rendering a
comprehensive client care which involves the client’s relations
in which the nurses now enjoys professional autonomy.
● Client’s care: This is the nursing actions carried out on clients
to improve his/her health status.
● Improve: Means a better result/status than the initial time.
● Care: This means what can be said /done to someone else to
improve his/her health status.
● Process: This is a step by step of how things are done to
achieve best result.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
barchelors degree