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Background of the Study

Training and education of people is the best investment the society

can make on its citizens and this is known as human capacity theory

Daniel (1983). Based on the belief that education of a professional

must not finish after initial qualification therefore re-training needs is


In order to understand what retraining needs are we should be able

to define what we mean by retraining needs. A training need is a gap

which exists between expected performance and actual performance

which can be closed through increase knowledge skills upgrading

and change of attitude (Umoh 2007).

Retraining needs for nurses to be fostered not only for its essential

role in promoting economic prosperity but also for its contributions to

personal confidence regenerate the human spirit and restore a sense

of purpose to people life through the cultivation of new interest.

However retraining is only one way to facilitate learning. Learning

involves change in knowledge skill and attitude leading to productive

behavioural change.

The importance of nursing in any health care system cannot be over

emphasized. Nurses constitute the largest number of health care

providers. It is pertinent to note that the roles played in relation to the

care of patients and their families or supports to communities are

tremendous. These roles are inherent in fine functions ranging from

care giver function which is the main stay of nursing

managerial/leadership function the health and illness screening

function and teaching or counselling function.

These functions can only be administered effectively when the nurse

has acquired adequate knowledge and skills through retraining


The advancing technology in science and medical practice

population explosion development of new and complex diseases

necessitating the need for continuing education/retraining needs in

nursing. Therefore management of institution has the responsibility

to provide facilities to workers to develop their own competence and

to encourage and support them in their career-long development. In

this way the employees will be able to achieve results and obtain

personal satisfaction from their work to contribute to the success of

their organisation and wellbeing of patients. The institution must

continue to provide a comprehensive and integrated development of

aids to training and development appropriately to the needs of its staff

and to take an interest in influencing the quality of training. In order

to perform the enormous role that scientific and social changes

bestow on the nurse she must be well equipped at all times to be

able to cope successfully with these changes.

The practice of nursing and the social setting in which nurses practice

is a complex and dynamic one and the ability to effect professional

changes develop skills theories and concepts can be achieved

through retraining programmes. For most nurses graduation means

the end of the educational process with the exception of some

incidental learning. For many years the Post graduate courses like

psychiatric nursing paediatric nursing peri-operative nursing

ophthalmic nursing are the various means by which nurses could

obtain additional education. As the population of Nigerians increases

and the standard of education in the country improves changes in

educational standard brought about changes in recruitment system

and requirement of nurses hence the need for training and retraining.

Our Lady of Apostles (O.L.A.) Catholic Hospital Ibadan is one of the

secondary health provider in Ibadan metropolis which cater for

patients suffering from different types of disease conditions by the

specialists on field. The hospital comprises of different units and

sections which include the general out patient maternity ward male

medical and surgical ward operating theatres private ward and

clinic children ward special care baby unit radiologist department.

It is observed that most of the nurses working in the hospital have

only the Nursing/Midwifery certificate; it is in view of this that the

researcher has set out to find out the possible reasons for such

attitude and possibly identify retraining needs of the nurses/midwives.

Statement of the Problem

The background of the study have shown the increasing challenges

posed by the rapid technological advancement in the medical field.

There is need for retraining nurses/midwives in their present

dispensation. Also the attitude of nurses sitting on their comfort zone

without embracing any form of retraining programmes is on the

increase hence the need for retraining. It is also worthy of note to

state that employer of labour does not show interest for retraining

workers even practitioners demonstrate lack of interest in embanking

on such programmes.

Based on the above context “the retraining needs for

Nurses/Midwives” with a view of finding out the position of continue

education/retraining needs among nurses/midwives.

Purpose of the Study

This study will identify the retraining needs of nurses/midwives in

O.L.A. Catholic hospital Ibadan specifically the study will find out:

1. The level of awareness of nurses/midwives on the benefit and

opportunity of retraining.

2. Provisions available for retraining of nurses/midwives in the


3. Find out how accessible are the institutions for retraining


4. Suggest ways of improving the participation of nurses/midwives

in retraining programmes.

Significant of the Study

This study will create awareness among nurses of O.L.A. Catholic

hospital Ibadan on the needs and benefit of continuing

education/retraining programmes.

The finding will also act as a stimulus to cause the management to

effect policies and strategies that will create retraining opportunity for

nurses/midwives in OLA Catholic hospital Ibadan.

Research Questions

1. What is the level of awareness on retraining programme among


2. What provisions are available for retraining of nurses in the


3. How accessible are the institutions of retraining programmes to

the nurses?

4. What are the ways for improving the participation of

nurses/midwives in retraining programmes?

Scope of the Study

This study is conducted among the practicing nurses working in

O.L.A. Catholic hospital Ibadan.

The outcome of the study will only reflect on the retraining needs of

nurses/midwives for effective health care delivery and the contribution

of the management towards the success of retraining programmes

among nurses/midwives.

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    national diploma (nd)

Additionnal content

Table of content
Cover page

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