Background of the Study
Sickle cell disease (drepanocytosis) is a blood disease that mainly affects people
of African ancestry but also occurs in Mediterranean region and reaches high
frequency in parts of Saudi Arabia and India. It occurs when the sickle cell
gene has been inherited from both parent and is characterized by the production
of abnormal type of hemoglobin (sickle cell hemoglobin) Hbs which
precipitates in the red cell when the blood is deprived of oxygen forming
crystal that distort the cells into the characteristic sickle shape. This process is
known as sickling. Sickle cells are rapidly removed from the circulation leading
to anaemia and jaundice. This occurs because sickled cell lasts between 10-20
days in circulation.
Gupta (2008) explained that sickle cell disease is caused by inheritance of two
copies of sickle cell gene from both parents. It occurs if both parents have
sickle cells disease (SS). This usually shows on their off-springs. He further
mentioned some of the manifestation of sickle cell disease to include: fatigue
pale skin jaundice shortness of breath acute pain in the extremities (legs and
arms) low resistance of infection and stunted growth in children.
The individual with sickle cell traits (HbAS) is protected from sickle cell
symptoms and complication by the presence as well as HbA. He is largely
protected from death caused by malaria especially in early childhood by the
presence of Hbs. Thus he enjoys the best of both worlds and is naturally better
adopted to the malaria infested environment than the individual with the normal
AA who is more liable to childhood death from malaria or the sickle cell
affected one with HbSS in whom malaria easily induces a lethal degree of
Hence more person with HbAS survived to reproduce and pass the Hbs gene
onto their progeny. Thus prevalence of sickle cell trait (HbAS) increased in
each successive generation. Falciparum malaria therefore encouraged the
expansion of the gene within the population by conferring on healthy carriers a
selective survival advantage. Conversely when population emigrated to a
non-endemic malaria-zone the incidence of the Hbs gradually waned over many
generations owing to the absence of the selective survival and reproductive
advantage. This phenomenon is demonstrated in South Africa in the West
Indies and in the United State of America (Sickle Cell Foundation Nigeria
Global Network of Sickle Cell Disease (GNSCD) (2008) has it that due to the
signs and symptoms presented by sickle cell patients it has so many effects on
an individual who suffer from sickle cell disease such as medical marital and
societal effects. Medical effects have to do with the medication used in the
treatment of this condition. Although this disease (sickle cell) has no cure its
signs and symptoms could be managed medically. Its treatment is life-long;
hence this may create boredom on the patient and their relatives.
Another problem posed by this disease is that marital failures which are often
observed in patients with sickle cell disease. sickle cell disease also constitute a
problem of the society at large as is evident by the fact that sicklers are always
weak dependent and attention-seeking. This means that they need to be cared
for and in so doing other things must have to be abandoned by the care givers
thereby reducing the productivity of the society.
Gwale local government area is situated in the Western part of Kano state. The
population is predominantly Hausa with trading as their major source of
income and a means of earning a living. The marriage pattern among residents
is such that one marries within the extended family. No counselling is usually
offered to youth or couples before marriage. The people especially youth seems
to have little or no knowledge about the disease its causes signs and symptoms
treatment and more importantly prevention.
Gwale local government has a population of 362059 (2006 census). Out of
every hundred there are two sicklers there are approximately 7241 sicklers in
the local government (Gwale) (Sickle Cell Foundation Nigeria 2010). The
population of the sickle cell disease is increasing with an ameliorating speed
which signifies a serious problem that requires urgent attention and intervention
by both local communities and the government. The researcher aims at
providing genuine statistical information on the target population (sicklers) to
which the intervention is desirable.
Statement of the Problem
It has been observed that sickle cell disease has ravaging effect among the youth
and children of Gwale local government area (Sickle Cell Club 2011-2012)
(Sickle Cell Clinic Murtala Muhammad Specialist Hospital Kano). This high
incidence of sickle cell disease may be due to lack of knowledge about the
disease (sickle cell). It could be as a result of lack of premarital counselling and
low level awareness that results in inter-marriages between people of various
hemoglobin (HG) status which may result in children inheriting the sickle cell
trait or sickle cell disease. They have little or no knowledge about the cause of
the disease and how it can be prevented. Many stigmas and misconceptions are
attached to the sickle cell disease; as such it has been observed that there is
rapid increase in the population of sicklers in Gwale local government (Sickle
Cell Foundation Nigeria 2012).
To this end the researcher thought it necessary to carry out a study to find out
the knowledge of the cause of sickle cell disease among youth in Gwale local
government area Kano state.
Purpose of the Study
1. To find out the level of awareness among youth on sickle cell disease in
Gwale local government area.
2. To determine the knowledge of the patients on their condition (sickle
3. To suggest ways of educating the youth on the sickle cell disease and the
counselling method to be used (pre-marital).
Significance of the Study
The finding of this study will be of significance to sickle cell patients in the
sense that suggestion on how they should manage the condition can be offered.
It will also provide information on the nature cause and preventive measures of
the disease (sickle cell).
The study would be of significance to the general public because it will proffer
ways by which misconceptions and stigmas on sickle cell disease may be
reduced to minimal level.
Research Questions
1. What is the level of awareness among youth on sickle cell disease?
2. What is the knowledge of patients on their condition (sickle cell)?
3. What are the ways of educating the youth and the general public on sickle
cell disease?
Scope and Limitation of the Study
The study will be restricted to Gwale local government area with particular
concern only on youth sickle cell patients and their relatives on the knowledge
of the cause of sickle cell disease and it’s management.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
national diploma (nd)
Additionnal content
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