1.1Background to the Study
Trade relations among nations of the world have become a normal economic practice over
time. The foregoing has presented trade as a basic necessity for economies to make reasonable
progress in their long walk to a self-sustaining economic development. However the nature and
direction of relationship as well as the economic status of participating countries is of utmost
importance. Following the traditional trade theories as put forward by Adam Smith and David
Ricardo and their extended form in the Hecksher-Ohlin-Samuelson’s factor endowment theory
favorable conditions for a mutually beneficial trade between two or more countries exist only on
the basis of different factor endowments which forms the basis for an absolute or comparative
advantage in trading. This assertion however could be said to apply favourably when dealing with
inter-industry trade. With insights from Therien (1999) this form of trade usually occurs between
the developed countries (North) and the developing countries (South). Howbeit as often reported
the benefits obtainable from inter-industry trade is usually very minimal for developing countries
given their exports composition of primary products which are mostly underprized in the global
market and their economic smallness and fragmented existence which robs them of the capacity to
negotiate better prices for their primary products (Salvatore 2006). The consequence has been the
continuous state of underdevelopment and economic dependence of the developing countries on
the developed countries. Nevertheless Linder (1961) brought forward a possible remedy from this
state of economic frustration he made suggestions on the possibility of trade occurring between
countries with similar factor endowments and stressed the need for developing countries to utilize
intra-industry trade on similar but differentiated products in a regionally integrated market as a
step towards integration into the global market. The concept of economic integration comes to the
fore here.
Economic integration has been seen to portray some positive elements that can be
fundamental to the development of the third-world economies. Its various channels of operation
are considered possible doorways through which developing countries can negotiate cooperatively
to chat new courses for their development struggle. Empirical wisdom proves it and economic
theories of trade and growth show it that integration processes are likely to have a tremendous
impact on the intensity of trade and the division of labour between the countries involved as well
as on wages and incomes within them (Ombeni 2008). Many economic blocs exist with their
peculiarities some notable examples include the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) and
the European Union (EU). These two appear to be the foremost economic blocs which serve as
models for others to be tailored after. The African Development Bank Report (2016) records that
there exist about eight of such unions in Africa with the Economic Community of West African
States (ECOWAS) being Nigeria’s most active economic community. Ombeni (2008) states that
these sort of arrangements by default have positive accruals which are expected to be more at
higher levels of integration. Popovich (2010) further explains that each integration brings changes
to the consumers and manufacturers of a country that embraces it while other changes take place
as well. With respect to Ombeni (2008) these changes include: increased trade expanded markets
attraction of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) increased bargaining power strengthened security
and conflict resolution in the region and the free movement of people across the region. Member
Countries could as well undertake several projects together including transport and communication
projects collective employment and poverty reduction joint environmental conservation as
evident in the East African Community (EAC) in the conservation of Lake Victoria (commonly
owned by Tanzania Kenya and Uganda) and a joint tourism promotion.
According to the Treaty of Lagos a major reason for forming the Community (ECOWAS)
was "the overriding need to accelerate foster and encourage the economic and social development
of their states in order to improve the living standards of their peoples" (Diejomaoh and Iyoha
1980). The primary instrumentality for achieving this desirable objective of rapid economic
development was the establishment of a customs union entailing: internal free trade among
members a common external tariff free labour mobility free movement of services and capital
between member states (Diejomaoh and Iyoha 1980). From here it can be seen that the most
attractive factor of integration is hinged on the general principle of the creation of a common
market where goods services and capital are guaranteed freedom of movement within the
integrated area. This guarantee includes the right of residence and establishment and all activities
have a bearing on national output which inspires economic growth.
The African Union Report (2015) makes a claim that Nigeria is the top-most
performer in two key dimensions (free movement of persons and trade integration) of integration
within the ECOWAS regional bloc. While these statistics are grossly aggregated on a cross-
country panel data basis it is pertinent for a closer investigation to be done with key consideration
on specific effects of economic integration on the participating countries. This paper shall seek to
evaluate and elicit the potential gains of moving on with the strategy of integration as a remedy to
the current unacceptable and intolerable economic conditions in the ECOWAS region. The paper
shall further perform an isolated evaluation to ascertain how economic integration (between
ECOWAS countries) has been effective in promoting trading activities and economic growth in the
The prime purpose of regional economic communities is the benefits that participating
countries expect to get from them. As stated in Iyoha (2005) an important feature of the higher
levels of economic integration is free trade among members and this free trade is expected to lead
to a rapid increase in trade which in turn is likely to lead to rapid economic growth. These gains
arise due to the cumulative nature of the dynamic effects of economic integration which leads to
growth. These effects are often described as the long-run effects of economic growth of member
states as a result of increased market size and exploitation of economies of scale increased
competition learning by doing and increased investment (Iyoha 2007). According to Salvatore
(2004) the increased investment is due to the fact that economic integration is likely to encourage
multinational corporations to invest and produce within the integrated economies to avoid trade
restrictions imposed on non-member states. Among these dynamic effects of economic integration
Salvatore (2004) argues that increased competition is the greatest effect of economic integration
as it motivates producers to become more efficient in order to be able to compete with other
producers. Some economic communities and in particular the European Economic Community
(EEC) have shown that the larger the integration the more likely it will lead to growth since
successively higher levels of integration is most likely to create a larger market for products. This
will further strengthen the potential economies of scale which leads to more rapid autonomous
productivity advances which is more likely to bring an integration that will lead to growth.
Several attempts of regional economic integration in Africa have been put into place over time but
according to Yang and Gupta (2005) they have been ineffective in promoting trade and attracting
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the continent. Relatively high external trade barriers and low
resource complementarity between Partner States limit internal and external regional trade. Small
market size poor transport facilities and high trading costs make it difficult for African countries
to reap the potential benefits of economic integration (Yang and Gupta 2005). As Schiff and
Winters (2002) clearly pointed out the increasing trend towards regionalism has made regional
economic integration a part and parcel of the world economic order. This trend has become a
recognized feature of the international scene and has achieved some level of meaning and
significance. Many factors contribute to this growing trend of regionalism and they include among
others the desire to obtain more secure access to major markets the pressure of globalization the
crave for a better stake in the global economy and governments desire to bind themselves to better
policies including democracy and to signal such bindings to domestic and foreign investors (Schiff
and Winters 2002). Even though the trend of regionalism has been on the increase FONDAD
(1996) explains that economic integration can only have the potential to be growth enhancing if it
improves welfare and promote investment in both physical and human capital. According to
Todaro and Smith (2006) the trade hypothesis of developing countries should go beyond greater
trade with one another and move in the direction of economic integration. “The basic economic
rationale for the gradual integration of the less developed is a long-term dynamic one: Integration
provides the opportunity for industries that have not yet been established as well as for those that
have to take advantage of economies of large-scale production made possible by expanded
markets” (Todaro and Smith 2006). It is through these benefits and particularly the success of
other regional arrangements like the European Union that has caused countries in Africa and other
parts of the world to sweep into regionalism. In Africa however there are several regional
economic communities with a long history of existence but in most cases they are not very
effective and the benefits from them are not exactly spelt out especially the arrangement in the
ECOWAS region. Oshikoya (2010) argues that resources similarities and overlapping
memberships are among the main problems for the limited benefits. Overlapping membership
makes it difficult for the Member States to implement competing strategies of different economic
groupings. Apart from overlapping membership the integration arrangements are not characterized
by strong “supranational” bodies and virtually all integration institutions are intergovernmental.
This is because many developing nations are not willing to relinquish their sovereignty to a
“supranational” community body as is required for successful economic integration (Salvatore
2004). Given the current increasing trend of regionalism and the unrecognized results from
experience thus far developing countries in Africa need to carefully assess taking experience from
other successful economic communities the extent to which they can benefit from effectively
integrating their economies. It is on this premise that this study aims to re-examine how economic
integration can be advantageous to countries in the ECOWAS regional community. This will be
done by assessing the benefits that Nigeria alongside some selected ECOWAS countries
( Senegal Gambia Guinea Ghana Cote D’Ivoire and Benue) is enjoying as a result of their
membership in the ECOWAS regional bloc.
The objective of this paper is to identify the general benefits obtainable from economic
integration schemes by developing countries. This will be done by reviewing and extrapolating
from literatures related to regional economic integration. However the specific objective of this
paper include:
To examine the impact of economic integration in the ECOWAS regional community on
trade between member states.
To examine the impact of economic integration in the ECOWAS regional community on
the economic growth of member states.
To identify the benefits that Nigeria is getting or expecting to get as a result of being a part
of the ECOWAS regional economic community.
In general the a priori expectation will be that higher levels of integration as well as ease of
market access via economic co-operation will yield a higher capacity to enhance trade amongst
members thereby leading to a higher level of economic growth.
The study was built on the following hypotheses:
H0: Economic integration does not have any significant impact on trade flows between ECOWAS
H0: There is no significant relationship between economic integration and economic growth
(proxied by real GDP) in ECOWAS countries.
The main research question which will guide this study is ‘What are the benefits which
Nigeria is getting or expecting to get as a result of being in the ECOWAS regional economic
community?’ However the following questions will be addressed alongside the main research
Does economic integration work to promote trade flows between ECOWAS countries?
Can integration impact growth in ECOWAS countries?
This paper employs a case study approach in finding out how economic integration can
benefit developing countries in Africa. The following selected countries (Nigeria Ghana Gambia
Guinea Benin Senegal and Cote d’Ivoire) in the Economic Community of West African States
(ECOWAS) are the focus of this research. The gathering of the required information for the study
will be sourced mostly from secondary sources largely collected from the ECOWAS reports IMF
World Economic Outlook World Development Indicators and IMF stat database for the period
1990 to 2017. The time was so chosen because the 1990’s witnessed a great boom in integration
activities in Africa. Also the scope was chosen due to the coherence of records of regional
activities from the specified time. In addition this study mostly focused on reanalyzing data
which are already available about the Economic Community of West African States. Although the
ECOWAS currently has fifteen member states (Benin Burkina Faso Cape Verde Côte d'ivoire
The Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea Bissau Liberia Mali Niger Nigeria Senegal Sierra Leone
and Togo ) the intellectual focus of this study is on seven ECOWAS countries (Nigeria Ghana
Gambia Guinea Benin Senegal and Cote dívoire) and will utilize data spanning a 27-year period
1990-2017. This is also as a result of insufficient data on variables for the year 2018. The selection
of ECOWAS as the region for consideration in this study is particularly important because despite
the numerous studies on the integration-trade-growth nexus for many advanced and developing
countries there is a significant scarcity of literature focusing on ECOWAS countries. This shortage
presents the opportunity to investigate the impact of economic integration on trade and growth in
the region. However the selection of countries (Nigeria Ghana Gambia Guinea Benin Senegal
and Cote dívoire) is binding on the similarity of per capita income between the countries. This is
primarily to divorce facts from conventions and to investigate ways through which this
arrangement has contributed particularly to the promotion of trade and economic growth in
Nigeria and ECOWAS generally.
1.7Significance of the Study
This project seeks to contribute to the existing knowledge base as well as contribute a
quota to the fore-going argument around economic integration in the African continent. The direct
beneficiaries of the project are policymakers in the regional institutions as well as the policy
makers in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Knowledge development institutions such as think-
tanks academic and development communities will also benefit from the findings of this study.
The indirect beneficiaries include individuals and private sector actors or businesses that will
eventually be impacted on by the outcomes of the economic integration.
1.8Organization of the Study
The study is organized in a total of five (5) chapters. Chapter one presents the background
to the study the scope research questions as well as the research hypotheses.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
barchelors degree
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