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To be able transform into an industrialize economy; an underdeveloped

economy has to be privately and commercially developed.

The importance of establishing public enterprises or corporation began

during the 19th century with the British telecom in 1884 under the

telecommunication act and gained a worldwide support in Britain thereafter.

Several nations particularly those in Africa have come to embrace the principle

as a way of eliminating low performance and inefficiency in the public

enterprise sector.

Following the trend the Nigerian economy has come to embrace privatization as

a cardinal principle of the state’s economic policy. Over the years the Nigerian

government has encouraged the development of the public sector since

independence in 1960 and particularly 1970s but has being commonly non

successive because of government attitude towards public enterprises business

management. In Nigeria most government owned industries and establishments

remain citadels of corruption studies in inefficiently and consequently a heavy

drain on the economy. As a means of combating this menace the (IMF) and


(World Bank) have advocated the twin policies of privatization and

commercialization incidentally Nigeria has fully adopted this policy and is

embarking on it with frenzy. For example Nigerian breweries changed from the

most inefficient and loss-making company before privatization to one of the

most profitable business in Nigeria. Nigeria has more than 1800 public

enterprises at federal and state levels which can be categorised as follows;-

i. Public utility providing infrastructural services.

ii. Strategic industries such as petroleum and petrochemical fertilizer plants

iron steel.

iii. Economic /commercial enterprises such as manufacturing of consumer

goods insurance banks and hotel and

iv. Departmental / stationary boards designed to serve specific socials or

development roles as university and research institutes. Ake (1981).

It is important to note that the introduction of SAP in 1986 serves as a bench

mark in economic policy-making in Nigeria with the resultant liberalization

deregulation privatization and commercialization measures.

The critical question here remains how many of these policies have been able

to restructure the political economy of Nigeria and in turn alleviating the

yearnings and aspiration of the working class.


The world no doubt is moving towards capitalism and liberalization and

any nation that is not moving towards this direction is seen as either not

developing or even retrogressing. A capitalist economy is a free market

economy which allows most economic decisions to be guided by the twin

forces of demand and supply. Since capitalism discourages monopoly but

encourages competitive market it therefore enhances efficiency and high

productivity which is very vital in any developing economy.


In a developing country like Nigeria privatization and commercialization of

public enterprises is considered by many as a vital tool for the growth and

development of the economy. In Nigeria some of the problems facing

privatization and commercialization program include;

a) lack of accountability

b) corruption

c) lack of transparency

d) inconsistency

it is important to note that the major function that informed the establishment

of these public enterprises are to control the resources and raise funds for the


provision of certain infrastructural facilities particularly in services requiring

heavy financial investment e.g. railway electricity telecommunication etc

also to perform the function of generating revenue that will add to financial

development program and projects as veritable instrument for the creation of

jobs; and ultimately facilitate economic growth and development.

However it is based on the problems that the basic propositions of this

privatization and commercialization program are being hindered. In trying to

look into these discrepancies and proffer a way forward towards a state of

privatization and commercialization of public enterprises in Nigeria that

enhances economic growth and development this research work emanated.


This study has the main objective of ascertaining the effect of privatization and

commercialization of enterprises on the Nigerian economy.

Specifically we intend to compare the pre and post privatization and

commercialization era so as to determine the specific effect.



The hypothesis tested in this study is stated in its null form as follows:



: privatization and commercialization has no significant effect on the GDP in



This research work will help the government and readers to understand those

benefits that privatization and commercialization program embodies which we

have neglected and politicized within the past. In understanding this on the side

of the government it will allow them to rethink and work towards real

implementation of it and thereby creating a room for the rapid growth and

development of this country.

At the other hand it will go a long way to create an avenue for more academic

research. The importance of any research is to finding out solutions that faces

mankind and the environment or society. The study creates awareness to every

citizen of this country and economic planners on the implication of these

privatization and commercialization of public enterprises in Nigeria economic




The scope of this research work focused strictly on the effect of privatization

and commercialization programmes on the Nigerian economy 1970 to 2010.



defined as the transfer of ownership and control of enterprises from the state to

the private sector.

IKEME(1997) define privatization as any of the variety of measures adopted

by the government to expose a public enterprises competition or to bring in

private ownership management or control in to public enterprises and

accordingly to reduces the weight of public ownership or control or


The privatization and commercialization net of 1988 and Bureau of public

enterprises defined privatization as the relinquishment of part or all of the

equity and other interest had by the federal government or any of its agencies

whether wholly owned by the federal government.

Although privatization is not defined in the public enterprises (privatization and

commercialization) Net of 1999 we can assume that it deemed to have the


same meaning. From the definition three things are clear first for privatization

to take place there must be the existence of public enterprises which need to be

converted into private enterprises; secondly there is the reasoning that private

ownership control would be better that public o ownership.

Finally privatization is premised that there is problem with the public

ownership of enterprises and privatization is part and parcel of the reform a

gender to turn around. They are enterprises so they can deliver goods and

services efficiently and effectively. As we shall show later this is reasoning

ideologically loaded and cannot be substantiated by the existential reality of


PUBLIC CORPORATIONS; - public corporation or enterprises as defined by

Ademolekun (1983) are organization that engage as a result of government

activity in the capacity of an entrepreneur. These can be seen as those

enterprises or corporation built owned and managed by the government. They

are being financed by public funds especially through taxation and also operate

on monopoly.


Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    barchelors degree

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