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The rate of urbanization is increasing in both the developed

and developing countries. However rapid urbanization particularly

the growth of large. Cities and the associated problems of

unemployment poverty inadequate health care poor sanitation

urban slums and environmental degradation pose a formidable

challenge in developing countries. Available statistics shows that

more than half of the world lives in urban areas at the end of 2010

from 49% (3.2billion) in 2008. the same report projected that figure

is likely to rise to 60% (4.9billion) by 2030. according to the UN state

of the world population 2007 report the majority of people

worldwide will be living in towns or cities for the first time in

history this is referred to as the arrival of the "urban millennium" or

the 'tipping point'. In regard to future trends it is estimated 93% of

urban growth will occur in developing nations with 80% of urban

growth occurring in Asia and Africa

Urbanization simply defined is the shift from a rural to an

urban society and involves an increase in the number of people in


urban areas during a particular year. Urbanization is the outcome of

social economic and political development that lead to urban

concentration and growth of large cities changes in the land use and

transformation from rural to metropolitan pattern of organization

and governance.

Although Urbanization is the driving force for modernization

economic growth and development there is increasing concern

about the effect of expanding cities particularly on human health

livelihood and environment. The implication of rapid urbanization

and demographic trends for employment food security water

supply shelter and sanitation especially the disposal of waste (solid

and liquid) that the cities produce are staggering (UNCED 1992). The

question that arises is whether the current trend in urban growth is

sustainable considering the accompanying urban challenge such as

unemployment poverty and environmental degradation especially in

the developing countries.

Thus of significant attention to us is the problem of

unemployment as a result of urbanization in the Nigerian urban

areas. Urban unemployment or unemployment in the urban Nigeria


stands for the conglomeration of people with diversity background

willing and able to work in the urban areas resulting in pressure of

supply of labour over the demand for labour. Thus causing

joblessness. Implicit in this definition are the following for excessive

manpower supply of labour over manpower demand for labour

there may have a risen a situation whereby job seekers irrelevant or

not needed education qualification both the public and private

sector may not have involved a calculated policy to afford them the

opportunity for self employment through planned programs. In

Nigeria it is estimated that in 1900 about 95% of Africa's inhabitants

South of Sahara lived from the Primary occupations of

farming hunting & gathering cattle anomalism and fishing (Aase

2003:1) meaning that less than 5% were urban. In 1950 (the start of

the independence period) 14.7% of Africa's inhabitants were urban

in 2000 had it risen to 37.2% and it is expect 3.76% 3.35% per year

(UN 2002) the Nigerian city of Lagos in 1963 had 665000

inhabitants (Rakodi 1991) and 8.7miliion in 2000 is expected to

become the worlds 11


biggest city by 2015 with 16million

inhabitants (UN 2002).


Therefore a survey by the UN international labour

organization (ILO) indicated that as many as 3 million Nigerians fall

within the working age out of this 90 percent or about 3 million are

unemployed. A further study on the geographical distribution of

those unemployed shows that as many as 2.7million out of the 3

million live in urban area (ILO survey report African concord 1996).

Surely it is very difficult to ascertain the current rate of

unemployment in Nigeria but evidence and indication of urban

unemployment overwhelming. There is no gainsaying that there are

significant correlation between urbanization and unemployment in

Nigeria though Urbanization is also a consequence of

industrialization or economic specialization. It connotes the

movement of people principally from agricultural productivity. The

process involves changing relationship and interaction.

Conclusively there exists convincing evidence that the bulk of

urban unemployment in the country is among able bodied youths.

Data shows that in 2009 at the recent Nigerian economic summit

group (NESG) policy dialogue on the Nigeria economy Nigeria's

minister of finance quoted data from the National Bureau of statistics

(NBS) saying that "unemployment in Nigeria is running at around


19.7 percent on average and almost half of 15-24 year olds living in

urban areas are jobless" the theme of the policy dialogue growth

through public private partnership.


The Nigeria population of about 150 million with a growth rate

of 3.2% more youths are getting into the educational system more

.youths are also graduating more are getting into the urban labour

market while more are also becoming unemployed. Some of the

manifestation of the failing of both the educational system and the

economy are unemployment and underemployment. Urban

unemployment is growing progressively worse due to rural to urban

migration. This migration is as a result of high concentration of

Infrastructure and amenities in the urban areas coupled with

favourable living conditions and standard of living.

Some adolescents do not think about any job at all until they

are faced with the issue of locating one in the urban center. The

contributing fact to this is that career guidance is minimally

emphasized in our school curriculum. When the youths are not


formally provided with occupational information which forms the

basis for realistic occupational choice some often accept any job for

which they are not well prepared for these result into inefficiency

low productivity low or lack of job satisfaction and they all

culminate into underdevelopment.


The objectives of the study are:

1. To examine the relationship between urbanization and

unemployment in the development of Nigeria.

2. To determine the implication of urbanization on the development

of Nigeria GDP per say.

3. To determine also the implication of unemployment of Nigeria.

GDP per say.

4. To proffer solution that will bring these problems to the barest

minimum in Nigeria.


The research questions for this study are as follows:

1. Does urbanization and unemployment have any

relationship in development of Nigeria?


2. Does urbanization contribute to the output of Nigeria?

3. What are the implications of unemployment on the development of


4. What are the possible solutions that will bring these problems to

the barest minimum in Nigeria?


For the purpose of this study the following hypothesis will be tested.



: Urbanization has no significant impact on economic growth.



: Urbanization has significant impact on economic growth.



: Unemployment has no significant impact on economic growth.

HI: Unemployment has significant impact on economic growth.


The significance of this study are as follows:

The study would provide an econometric basis upon which to

examine the effect of urbanization and unemployment on Nigeria's

economy which would be useful to Nigeria as a whole.

The study will add to intellectual value of Nigerians. The

knowledge of the effect of urbanization and unemployment will be


very useful as it will broaden individuals outlook sharpen their

intellect. and inculcate in them the habit of balanced thinking.

The study will also .educate the government and youth who ignored

agriculture in pursuit of white collar jobs in the office.

Finally the study will serve as a reference material for further



Though the issue of urbanization and unemployment moves in

the same direction and this problem has eaten deep into the

marrows of the society of Nigeria and our main focus is how to solve

the problem of urbanization and unemployment in Nigeria.


Unemployment: (According to Pigou) the greatest exponent

of the classical view unemployment defined as a resulted from the

rigidity in the wage structure and interference in the working of free

market system in the form of trade union legislation minimum wage

legislation e.t.c.


Unemployment: {According to everyman's Dictionary of

Economics) defines unemployment as "involuntary idleness of a

person willing to work at the prevailing rate of pay but unable to find


"Economic Growth": (Berger 1965) stated that Economic

growth means more output and changes in the technical skills

knowledge productive education health managerial capacity)

arrangement by which it is produced and distributed. Growth may

well not only involve more output derived from greater amounts of

inputs but also greater efficiency.

Economic Growth refers to the steady process by which the

productive capacity of the economy is increased over time to bring

about increases in the output of goods and services and rising levels

of national income. This corroborates kindle Berger's view of

economic in (1965).

The economic growth of any country is measured by the rate of

increase in its (GNP) or (GDP) or better still by the total output or by

per capital output. .


Gross Domestic Product (GDP): According to Okowa W. J.

(1995) defined gross domestic product as the money value of the

total output of goods and services produced within the geographical

confines (that is inhabitants) of a country's territory in a given year.

Economic Development: refers to as the problems of the

economic development of underdeveloped countries. Though the

study of economic development has attracted the attention of

economists right from Adam Smith down to Marx and Keynes yet

they were mainly interested in the problems which essentially static

in nature and largely related to a western European framework of

social and cultural institutions.

Economic Development: (According to Schumpeter) defines

development as a discontinuous and spontaneous changer in the

stationary state which forever alters and displaces the equilibrium

state previously existing. This view of Schumpeter has been widely

accepted and elaborated by the majority of economists.

Economic Development: (According to kindle Berger)

Economic Development implies both more output and changes in the


technical and institutional arrangement by which it is produced and


Development: goes beyond this to simply changes in the

composition of output) and the allocation of inputs by the sectors.

Recent statistics released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)

showed that about 10million Nigerians were unemployed in Nigeria

at March 2010. The NBS defines the unemployment rate as the

percentage of Nigeria's labour force that is qualified to work but did

not work for atleast 39 hours

in the week preceding the survey. The total labour force is made up

of people aged between 15 to 64 years and excludes students home-

keepers retired persons stay-at-home parents and persons unable

to work or not interested in work.


After the preliminary pages which consist of the cover

certification dedication acknowledgement abstract and table of content pages. The study will be set under five chapters; they are the introductory aspect of the work which forms the chapter one the review of related literature in. chapter two,
the research methodology, in chapter three, the presentation I of
Analysis an 3 interpretation of data in chapter four and summary,
conclusion and recommendation which forms the aspect of chapter
five. The work will be rounded up with references and Appendix.

What is Urbanization?
It’s the physical growth of rural or national land into urban areas as
a result of population in-migration to an existing urban area. Effects
include change in density and administration services. While the
exact definition and population size of urbanized areas varies
among different countries, urbanization is attributed to growth of

Urbanization is the social process whereby cities grow and
societies became more urban in nature, as opposed to being mostly
rural and agricultural. Urbanization is what occurs when the rural
character of a town is gradually replaced by housing and industrial
development, resulting in more suburbs. Its an increase in the
proportion of people living in urban or developed areas compared
to rural areas.

Urbanization is not merely a modern phenomenon, but a rapid
and nutoric transformation of human social roots on a global scale,
whereby predominantly village culture is being rapidly replaced by
predominantly urban culture. The last major change in settlement
patterns was the accumulation of limits- gatherers into villages
many thousand years ago. Village culture is characterized by
common bloodiness, intimate relationships and communal
behaviour whereas urban culture is characterized by distance
bloodiness, unfamiliar relations, and competitive behaviour. This
unprecedented movement of people is forecast to continue and
intensify in the next few decades, mushrooming cities to size
incomprehensible only a century ago.

Urbanization is not about simply increasing the number of urban
residents or expanding the area of cities. More importantly, its about
a complete change from rural to urban style in terms of industry
structure, employment, living environment and social security.

The rapid urbanization of the world’s population one the twentieth
century is described in the 2005 revision of the UN World
urbanization prospects report. The global proportion of urban
population rose dramationlly from 13% (220 million) in 1900,
to29% (732 million) in 1950, to 49% (3.2 billion) in 2005. The same
report projected that the figure is likely to rise to 60% (49 billion)
by 2030.

According to the UN State of the World population 2007 report,
sometime in the middle of 2007, the majority of people worldwide
will be living in towns or cities for the first time in history, this is
referred to as the arrival of the “urban millennium or the typing
point. In regard to future trends, it is estimated 93% of urban
growth will occur in developing nations, with 80% of urban growth
occurring in Asia and Africa.

Urbanization occurs as individual, commercial and
governmental efforts to reduce time and expense in communing and
transportation while improving opportunities for jobs, Education,
housing and transportation. Living in cities permits the advantages
of the opportunities of proximity, diversity and market place

Urbanization rates very between countries. The united states
and united kingdom have a higher urbanization level than China,
India, Swaziland or Niger, but a few slower, annual urbanization rate
since much less of the population is living in a rural area.

1. Citizens have the right to an environment that is not harmful to
their health or well being.

To improve environmental conditions and provide safe habits for
all life.

Government passes law to plan and provide environmentally sound
cities considering that people should not live in polluted or unsafe

Each country subscribing to the Declaration of environmental rights
and responsibilities will send six representatives, composed of
people with medical, legal, political, economic, educational and
scientific expertise, to a general assembly. The collective assembly
will review the review the sustainable solutions outlined in the
Declaration of emonmatal rights and responsibilities through the
internet. The group will elect a chairman and vice chairman, from its
members to lead annual meetings. The meeting will be held in each
country, based on a rotating schedule for the purpose of amending
solutions to make them more affective.
2. Citizens have the right to an environment that is protected for
the benefit of present and future generations.

To make environmental resources sustainable and make the
economy reliant upon a sustainable environment

Government encourages private investment in sustainable
industries like solar energy, public transportation and water
reclamation with financial rewards
3. Citizens have the right to basic services including adequate
shelter, health services, Electricity, water supplies and food.

Government with private help, provides essential services that
will improve the quality of life

Information should be gathered about what is needed and where
implement and provide opportunity for employment so that
citizens can earn a living to pay for maintenance of services
homes should be subsidized by government and corporations,
government provides basic health services using advanced
technologies and medicines at minimum costs with alternatives
4. Citizens have the right to basic Education including Adult basic

To empower citizens with knowledge and skills

Government improves Educational systems to include curriculum
focused on Job skills and life skills to prepare people for
employment opportunities. Also Education is made more accessible
by creating schools, technical university and universities with
licensed teachers who help students, including adults and the
disabled, toward earning a basic Education certificate.
5. Citizens have the right to gainful employment opportunities

To create more jobs

In order to prevent rapid urbanization and conserve natural
ecosystems, private industry will utilize natural resources to
promote tourism and create jobs in both rural and urban areas using
subsides, government promotes private and foreign investment in
environmentally sound development in rural areas
6. citizen have the right to environmentally safe and cost effective

To allow environmental technologies to be more accessible and at
lower cost to the community.

Government and private industry provide funding for research,
development and improvement of environmentally safe and cost-effective technologies by sponsoring engineers and creating

7 Government and individuals have the responsibility to control;
population growth and the spread of disease through effective
health education and family planning

To control population growth and disease.

Government provides counselling for effective family planning and
medical health clinics, making them both mobile for rural areas and
accessible for urban areas.

8. Government and local authorizes have the responsibility to
improve public transportation, upgrade basic civil services to ensure
sustainable housing, better health services, sanitation, and
electricity also so that the use of private motor vehicles is
minimized, thus reducing congestion and air and noise pollution.

To make public transportation clean, efficient and accessible, to the
community also Government with private help. Provides essential
services that will improve the quality of life

Industries improve cars to be environmentally friendly. Government
reduces the manufacturing of private cars and sponsors
manufacturing of public transportation vehicles, encouraging people
to use them by raising parking and gasoline prices.

Environmental effects due to urbanization have been observed
since early in the 18th century until the mobile of the 20th century,
urbanization lends were too low and the number of large cities was
too small for there to be any significant effects other than local
climate and hydrologic impacts
As late as 1900, there were barely 43 cities in the world exceeding,
500,000 population, of which only 16 exceeded 1,000,000. Since
1950 the number of large cities has increased very rapidly (about 400 exceed 1,000000) metropolitan areas have grown to form even
large agglomeration and some very large urban areas with
population in the tens of millions have emerged for example by the
year 2,000 and calculate, Bornbay, cairo, Jakarta and seeul are each
expected to be in the 15-20 million people range. The environment
in large urban areas has deteriorated and resulted in an increased
incidence of diseased and viments.

The effects of urban development can be defined by many
factors. The most important of these factors related to and quality,
the availability of safe water supplies, and provisions for sanitation
and waste management. In this chapter we will consider the effects
of urbanization on the atmosphere.

Mexico city today is one of the largest cities in the world. The
environmental issues present in this megapolis are a good example
of the problems that plague many cities around the world.

The population of Mexico city is over 20 million people the
population has gone from approximately 3 million people in 1950 to
near 20 million in 1997, with an average growth rate close to 5%
much of the high growth rate of migrants from the economically
depressed rural areas. Rapid urbanization has out stripped society’s
capacity to meet basic human needs, leaving enormous portions of
the city’s population with inadequate incomes, diets, housing,
services and health care. The land area of Mexico, D.R 1,499 Knz, the
area of Mexico D.F plus suburbs is near 3,129 KMz. The growth rate
of the city in spatial extent is close to that of the population (5%).
Mar developments are more dense and less planned, and generally
include less open space. Mary developments are now built on hills
slopes, generating a considerable amount of soil erosion and a
significant increase in flash floods enter rainstorms. Overcrowding
and inadequate housing respiratory disease and tuber culosis.

Mexico city is built on an underground a guider which significantly
depleted. In general much of the water in the basin is heavily
polluted, acquitters and over that supply its water are over extended
and polluted; cholera recently have killed many people.
Today most of the food and water consumed writhen the basin
comes from outside its boundaries may parts of the city suffer from
water shortage and industrial use of water is very inefficient water
receding uses only 7% of the savage, and nearly 20% of the water
supply is lost through deficient pipe system. Pipe breakage
represents a countries health hazard, as microorganisms from the
sewage system can contaminate the fractured pipes.

Approximately 4-5 m3.5 of sewage water are treated and used
mainly for irrigation in parks and public spaces. The remainder is
eliminated from the basin by means of the deep drainage system
that was built in the early 1970s and by the old surface drainage
canals. This waste is mostly used for irrigation, constituting an
important source of agricultural pollution.

The health and environmental effects of inadequate solid waste
disposal are felt for beyond the city in the form of water, land and
air contamination on a wide area. The city produces appropriately
10,000 loans of domestic garbage per day. In consrate to developed
countries, which generate liter wish a low proportion of organic
residues, the garbage of Mexico city is rich in vegetable and fruit
waste, and consequently could be used for making compost at a
relatively low cost. Until 1987 most the residues were dispraised of
in open field, recently a mix modern systems of sanitary filling into
dredged pits has become operational.

City streets citoged with traffic and air pollution is perhaps the
worse protean the city faces. Photochemical smog is critical during
the winter months when a temperature mersion stabilizes the
atmosphere above the basin and the air pollutants accumulate in the
stationary layer of air that covers and factories.

Most of the air pollution originates from automobile exhaust,
which are responsible for 72% of all atmospheric pollutants in
mexicocity mean ozone levels in Mexico city are ten time the normal
atmospheric concentration and are more than twice the Mexico
limite allowned in the united states. In order to alleviate this
problem, the vehicles of Mexico city are under a permanent vehicles
program called “Hogno circuld” all vehicles according to the last
digit of their license plate are distributed by colours along the week,
and are not allowed to be driven once in a week.

Air quality report are published daily through the national
media. Based on this reports vehicle use and industrial activity are
restricted, in order to protect Mexican people’s health.

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    barchelors degree

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Table of content
Cover page

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