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Every economy seeks to appropriate industrial base to move the economy from a

traditional and low level of production to a more automated and efficient system of

mass processing and the manufacturing of goods and services. For this level of

development to be attained there must be a sound financial system which would

serve as the back bone of such an economy. If this is pursued acquiring industrial

capabilities would be easily attained since it is considered as the economic

development. As a result of the importance of the financial system in developing

industrial capabilities every economy seeks avenues to acquire them one of such

avenues is raising funds through the capital market.

The capital market deals with instrument or long term securities with maturity

period longer than one year such as bonds debentures and equity stocks. The

capital market in Nigeria has been a major source of finance to the government;

industries etc. to meet their longer term capital requirements such as financing for

fixed investments on buildings plants bridges etc. The use of capital market

reduces over reliance on the money market assist in promoting a solvent and

competitive financial sector as well as fostering a healthy stock market culture. The


importance of the capital market cannot be under is the fundamental

instrument of capital formation in any countries economy since no instrument takes

place in a vacuum. A well-developed capital market ensures the availability of

capital funds for investment and developing project usually takes a long gestation

period which the funds from the money market cannot sustain. This implies that

the absence of an efficient capital market in an economy would result in shortage

of long term funds and would harm investment and hence militates against

economic development.

An active capital market aids the mobilization of savings for economic growth and

development. encourages the efficient allocation of resources through changes in

wealth ownership and composition catalyzes the creation of a healthy private

sector and facilitates the promotion of rapid capital formation (Iyoha

2004).Nigeria has a growing capital market which has since its inception served as

a veritable source of long term funds to finance investment. Some of the reasons

for promoting an active capital market in Nigeria include

Mobilization of savings for economic growth and development.

Encouragement of efficient allocation of resources through in changes wealth

ownership and composition.

Creation of a healthy private sector and promotion of rapid capital formation.


The capital market functions through the stock exchange a stock exchange is a

market which facilitated buying and selling of shares stocks bonds securities

and debentures (Thingon 2001). The stock exchange is not just a financial

institution but also the very hub that pivots around which every activities of the

capital market revolve. It is not only crucial but also central to the entire capital

mobilization processes. „Anao‟ “ND” posits that it is an economic institution

which sees to the efficient allocation of available capital funds to diverse uses in

the economy.


The objectives of the capital market at any point in time are geared towards

attaining an appreciable development and growth in the economy and providing a

channel for engaging and mobilizing domestic savings for productive investment.

Apart from its fund mobilization function it performs intermediary role by making

it possible for those who have surplus funds to be able to loan it out to those in

need of it for productive purpose.

In the last two decades the link between financial intermediation and economic

growth is a subject of high interest among policy makers and economics around the

world There have been attempt to empirically asses the role of capital market and

economic development.This have varied in methods and results.


Adjasi and Biekpe(2005) found a significant positive impact of capital market on

economic development in counties classified as upper middle income

the same way(Chen et al 2004) elaborated that the nexus between capital returns

that is stock returns and output growth and the rate of stock return returns is a

leading indicator of output growth various studies such as spears (1991 Levine and

zerous1998 comincioll1996 and Demirquc-Kunt 1994) have supported the view

that capital market promote economic development with well functional financial

sector or banking sector capital market can give a big boost to economic

development. (Behadur and nevpone2006) concluded that stock market fluctuation

predicted the future growth of any economy and causality is found in real


There are also alternative views of roles that capital market play in economic

development. Apart from the view that stock market maybe having no real effect

on development there are theoretical concepts that shows that capital market

development may actually hurt economic development. For instance (stiglitz

1985 1994 bencivera and smith 1991 and Bhide1993) noted that capital market

can argue that due to their liquidity stock market may hurt development and

growth since saving rates may reduce due to externalities

In capital accumulation diffuse ownership may also negativity affect corporate

governance and invariably the performance of listed firms this impending the


growth of capital markets? This suggests that there is neither theoretical nor

empirical consensus on the impact of capital market on economic development.


This study is aimed at assessing the activities of the Nigerian capital market and

the impact it has to the development of the Nigerian economy. The following

questions are therefore raised to guide the study;

1. What is the impact of capital market on the economic development of Nigerian?

2. What is the impact of Nigerian capital market on Nigerian banking system?


The objective of the study is to evaluate the contribution of the

Nigerian stock exchange to the development of the Nigerian economy

The specific objective are

1. To examine the impact of capital market on the Nigerian economy.

2. To examine the impact of capital market on the Nigerian banking system.



According to Nwana 1998 „‟A hypothesis formulation is aimed at delimiting the

direction of searching for evidence everywhere anywhere .it is based on the above

premise that the following hypothesis is formulated to guide this work

Hoi There is no significant impact of capital market on the economic development

of the country.

HO2 There is no significant relationship between the Nigerian capital market and

banking system.


The importance of a developed and liable capital market in the economic

development of Nigerian cannot be our emphasized. This analysis is important as it

would examine to what extent the capital market has contribution to economic

development of Nigerian.

The result from this study is expected to be of great importance to individuals

investors and business. Firms and the entire economy as a will also help

to enlighten the members of the public on the meaning of stocks and shares

inculcating in them the savings and investment habit.


However the government and policy makers would find this research handy

especially in area of policy formulation in restricting the

Capital market for an improved performance of the aimed at boosting investors to

patronize the stock exchange market in other to enhance their effect on the

economy. This study is also expected to identify some problems encountered in the

capital market by participants and suggest possible means of rectifying them.


The focus of the study is limited to the activities of the Nigerian capital market.

And will cover the period 1985- 2011 .this study has no doubt encounter problems

in terms of both internal and external validity. Like any other research study this

too has some limitations. The problem encountered in the case of embarking on

this research is in two dimensions finance and time.

Finance is required to enable the researcher to travel from one place to another to

obtain necessary data for the study and also to produce a readable copy.

Time is also another constraint as the research had to apportion her limited time in

ensuring the research becomes successful.


Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    barchelors degree

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Cover page

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