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Government expenditure has served as a common means of using fiscal

policy in many countries to achieve economic growth expansion

development and transformation of the economic base. According to

Musgrave (1989) He described public expenditure as tool used to achieve

three distinct objectives which include allocation distributive and

stabilization purpose. Hence the public expenditure is a comprehensive set

of expenditure policy measures designed to achieve certain set up macro-

economic goals including maintaining equilibrium between the aggregate

demand and aggregate supply (IMF 1993).

There are many irregularities in the country leading to public outcry and

there was increasing fraud in government activities resulting from an

inappropriate public finance planning and implementation mostly in

Nigeria. Banks and businesses were collapsing which lead to crises in the

external and internal activity of the economy. Some of the hills that caused

this are corruption indiscipline lack of accountability which is the hallmark

of the Nigerian society resulting to decrease in growth and development.

Evident of unstable economic is fund in poorest wages and salary structure


in the world. The inter-relationship effect is low productivity avoidable

idle time leading to loss of trade with advanced countries that have better

finished products. The consequential effect is deficit in balance of trade and


To this extent Sulieman (2009) observes that the size of government and

also its impact on economic growth has emerged as a major fiscal

management issue facing economies in transition. He notes that previous

research focused mainly on the size of government in industrialised

countries (DC’s) trade dependency the vulnerability to external shock and

volatility of finance the role and size of government become germane to

adjustment and stabilization programme. Mitchel (2005) has argued that a

large and growing government is not conducive to better economic


For decades public expenditure has been expanding in Nigeria as in other

countries of the world. Akpan (2005) opines that the observed growth in

public spending appears to apply to most countries regardless of their level

of economic development. This necessitates the need to determine the need

to determine whether the behaviour of Nigeria public expenditure and the

economy can be hinged on wagner’s (1883) law of ever-increasing state

activity or the Keynesian (1936) theory and Friedman (1979) or peacock

and Wiseman’s (1979) hypothesis.


Consequently this study dwells primarily on the expenditure side of public

finance and seeks to examine the relationship between government

expenditure and economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1980 to 2010.

Although this is in line with the previous empirical studies considered for

the Nigeria situation. However in this work this study employs econometric

methodology after examining the fiscal factors in the link between public

expenditure and economic growth.


Policy makers are divided as to whether government expansion helps or

hinders economic growth. Advocates of bigger government argue that

government programs provide value “pubic goods” such as education and

infrastructure they also claim that increases in government spending can

boost economic growth by putting money into people’s pocket. Proponents

of smaller government have the opposite view. They explain that

government is too big and that higher spending undermines economic

growth by transferring additional from the productive sector of the economy

to government which uses them less efficiently. They also warn that

expanding public expenditure leads to complication in implementing pre-

growth policies Such as fundamental tax reform and personal retirement

accounts. This is because critics can use the existence of budget deficit as a

reason to opposite policies that would strengthen the growth of the



A major concern about the Keynesian school of thought is that; if

government interference is an effective remedy for recession and has no

side effect why do so many oppose the policy of budgetary expansion?

Firstly a large public sector diminishes the business sector in personal and

the sources of investment. It may be maintained that in time of recession

much of the workforce is not employed at all and therefore employment in

the public sector does not come at the expense of the public sector.

Furthermore in any growing economy Government spending can be

curtailed the government can revert to a lower level of spending and

personnel can be redirected to the business sector. However while

budgetary expansion is easy in recession cut-backs during economic high

are very difficult. No minister or director of a public institution relinquishes

authority and budget easily. The result is an inflated and inefficient public

sector even after the recession is over and also a lower rate of growth in the

private sector than its potential would indicate.

The relationship between public expenditure and growth is important

especially for developing countries (Nigeria inclusive) most of which have

experienced increasing level of public expenditure over time. There is

evidence that unlike in the case if developed countries consumption is not

negatively related with economic growth. This study shall empirical

investigate this relationship in the case of Nigeria with a view of explaining

the reason behind the observed causality between them.



This study intends to appraise the relationship between government

expenditure and economic growth over the years (1980-2010). The trend of

government expenditure will be assessed with reference to the Nigerian

economy the specific objectives are:

To examine the impact of government expenditure on economic


To identify the trend of public expenditure in Nigeria.

To examine the constraint limiting the effectiveness of public

expenditure as an engine of economic growth.

To proffer solutions to the problems identified in factors limiting the

effectiveness of public expenditure.




The government expenditure has no positive effect on the economic growth

of Nigeria.



: The government expenditure has positive effect on the economic growth of




Whilst acknowledging the fact that this study is not the first of its kind

using the Nigeria data. However it shall go a little further than earlier

works to correctly capture all known composition of public expenditure

during the years under review to assess the impact of public expenditure on

economic growth.

The relationship between government spending and growth is especially

important for developing countries like Nigeria most of which have

experienced increasing levels of public expenditures over time. This has

tended to be associated with rising fiscal deficit suggesting their limited

ability to raise sufficiently revenue to finance higher level of expenditure.

Rising deficit tends to retard economic growth in developing countries

because of the inability of such country to check inflation during deficit

years. Thus this study gives a good insight into problems created by rising

government expenditure and how the same impact on growth.

Also this study will enable policy makers to promote economic without

recourse to huge deficit finance. This often results in inflation particularly

when increase in government expenditure is no matched by corresponding

increase in output. The bitter experience of the oil boom is still fresh in

many minds.



The growth of government spending and its impact on the performance of

the economy shall be examined with data spanning from 1980 to 2010.

Attention shall mainly be focused on exhaustive and productive government

expenditure during the period under review.

One major limitation of the study is that the data to be used for the

empirical analysis may be porous as such data are often manipulated for

political reason. Besides the study shall cover a limited number of years

because of none availability of data. Another constraint to be faced in the

cause of my study is time factor; the time frame of my work is going to

hinder me from gathering as much information needed for proper analysis

of the impact of government expenditure.

Another limitation to my study is finance lack and insufficient finance for

finding sources of information and acquisition of material for my study. But

not withstanding of these limitations the study will serve its purpose.


Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    barchelors degree

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