The Nigerian economy is a middle income economy emerging market with
well developed financial legal communication transported entertainment
sectors. It is ranked 31st in the world in terms of gross domestic product
(GDP)as 2009 and its emergent through currently under performing
manufacturing sectors is the second largest on the continent for the west
African region scholars have characterized the Nigerian economy to be
associated with a high cost of living putting it in words(EKAN 1998)states
that Nigerian economy is characterized by high cost of living which is
resultant effect of the persistent increase in the general price level in the
economy. In an effect to solve the problem of low standard of living
government expenditure has been on the continual increased which is partially
caused by trade unions agitations and partly by continual increase in prices of
goods and services in the product and factors markets in the product.
Since the independence the country’s recurrent expenditure has been on the
increase in 1970 total recurrent expenditure stood at two thousand seven
hundred and thirty four naira ninety kobo in 1980 when the economy was on a
persistent growth our recurrent expenditure stood at four thousand eight
hundred and twenty kobo in 1986 when SAP (structural adjustment
programme) was introduced it.
Stood at seven thousand six hundred and ninety nine kobo. The increase in the
country’s recurrent expenditure was necessitated by the need to create
employment and increase money supply to match the output level. (NBS
However the purchasing power of the average Nigerian has been reducing
because of the increase in price level in the economy. In an attempt to solve
this problem various perspective and annual plans have been formulated and
implemented. Examples are the vision 2020 vision 2010 and Yaradua’s 7
points agenda Millennium goals and 2013 budget by Goodluck Jonathan.
The problem of inflation is a national nightmare to economic growth and
development. It should be noted that it cannot be eliminated absolutely. In an
actual sense inflation rate can only be reduced to bearable limit. It should also
be noted that inflation is not faced by less developed countries alone but the
Western countries are also facing the problem.
For Nigeria as the general price level is on the increase so is the recurrent
expenditure which has created the inflationary gap in the economy (WAHAB
2004).This research is investigating the impact of salary increase on inflation in
The problems that occur when salaries are increased are raising labour costs
which in turn lead to cost push inflation. As workers demand wage increases
companies usually choose to pass on those costs to their customers through
price increases thus causing inflation that is where prices are forced upwards
because when people have much money with them. It increases aggregate
Also wages increase leads to retrenchment of workers thus causing inflation
has tremendous impact on the output and employment decision by firms
because inflation distorts the price mechanism by making it difficult to
distinguish changes in the general prices level it creates uncertainty making
the investors less willing to take risks and invest especially in long term
project inflation push up real interest rates as lender demand a bigger risk
premium on their money.
This work therefore aims at investigating the impact of salary increase on
inflation in the Nigeria economy. For the purpose of this study the salary
increase as represented with federal government recurrent expenditure
excluding social service economic service transfers. If government wants to
solve the problems of inflation it will end up creating unemployment .As a
result of this various economics theorists have theorized about the relationship
between salary increase and inflation thus giving rise to the theories causes
and effects of inflation.
This research is solely aimed at finding out the impact of salary increases on
inflation in Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study are as follows;
1. To investigate the impact of salary increase on inflation in Nigeria.
2. To examine the trend of inflation in Nigeria over the years.
Based on our study of the impact of salary increase on inflation in Nigeria the
research question has been used to formulate the following hypothesis;
Ho: Salary increase does not lead to inflation in Nigerian.
Hi: Salary increase has caused inflation in Nigeria.
This study will be useful to policy makers in the economy to aid them
formulate sound economic policy that will keep inflation at the barest
minimum in the economy. The study is also important to other researchers in
this field as a reference materials to aid them in their own research that are yet
to be conducted.
The Nigerian economy with a labour force of 47.33million persons who
produced a national income of $353.2billion (CBN 2009) is dominated by the
public sector because 65% of the labour force are employed in the public
sector 20% in commercial activities 10% in agricultural activities and 5% in
the services (NBS 2009). The above data imply that the study will cover
government employees alone because they dominate the labor force in the
country. Data collected from a secondary source ranged between 1984 to 2009.
The year 1986 was chosen because that era was characterized by the SAP
(Structural Adjustment Program me).
However this study has its limitations which include;
1. There are very limited materials for the research. This is because few
authors have thought on this issue.
2. The unfriendly attitude of staff of various ministries and companies
where I went to collect materials because of secrecy and other reason
like money.
3. Difficulties in collecting data relating to my project. Due to not enough
information was available. After all the difficulties I still got few
materials that will help enrich my project.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
barchelors degree
Additionnal content
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