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The transportation system in Nigeria is being seen as the

means towards attainment of growth and development of the

Nigeria economy. To attain such growth an efficient function

forms has to be laid.

In every aspect of man’s activities transportation has come

to play a vital role which ranks it among the most important

determinants of any success in such human activities. The

transportation of goods and services has become vital to the

economy due to foreign exchange earning to the sector of the

economy. As such there is need for this study. A good and well

backbone for a vibrant and growing nation.

Therefore transportation is defined as the movement of

people and material from one point to the other for one reason or

the other. This movement could be on sea land or air. Transport

is hardly in demand for its own sake; rather it is linked


organically to the survival of other sector namely social political

and economic sector. Hence the need for transportation services

in any economy is it socialist or capitalist cannot be under

estimated. The interaction between the level and pattern of

transportation resources and the standard of living of the

population of any country is or critical factor affecting social

economic political military religion recreational or educational

progress and must therefore be taken into account at all levels of

planning. Therefore activities in aspect of transportation system

while their subsequent operations and development would

generate increase demands for transportation of goods services

and people.

The development and efficiency of transportation system is a

pre-requisite goal of all developing countries.

Money and funds have been selectively applied to this

particular field of development and the principle is now generally

accepted that the improvement of transport forms perhaps the

most valuable single contribution towards economic social and


political development. In diverse ways of man’s daily activities

transport system have served and will be serving and shall still

serve. For example transportation system has been employed to

serve in various economies’ criteria rather conveying raw

materials to the manufacturing plants or finished goods to the

consuming areas. Certainly in the early stages of economic in

communities where subsistence agriculture is still important

transport is probably the key to development “Fertilizer improve

strains of seeds education and other subject are all of the

greatest importance. But the needs for transport is prior of these”

(Clark 1968).

Nigeria like any other developing country recognizes the

importance of and need to develop an efficient transport system

evidently stated in the third National Development Plan of 1975

to 1980. The transportation system has to support the growth

and development of agriculture commerce and industry with

efficient movement or people and goods throughout the country.

As a matter of public policy the government supports the

continued development of efficient dynamic and flexible transport


service as being vital to economic growth expanding productivity

and general process of the nation. The efficient and effectiveness

of transportation system influence the cost of every commodity

consumed or exported thereby affecting business economic and

industrial opportunities of every citizen the basic objective of the

government in this field is to develop and assure the continued

expanding availability if fast save and economic transport service

needed in a growing and changing economy in order to move

people and goods in response to public and private demand the

lowest consistent with health safely convenience and their broad

public objectives (Ahmans 1990)

In the light of this government has lead emphasis on

efficiency flexibility safely and lowest cost in the development of

transportation services especially the Federal Urban Mass Transit

Programme in 1988 (Daily Champion 1988) that led to the

emergency of transport outfit such as Borno Express Corporation

in Borno State Kaduna transport Authority in Kaduna Kwara

Express in Kwara State Plateau Express Limited in Plateau State.

Like most government establishment they were making


parastatals and their services are to be subsidized in relation to

the private transport sub sector. All these development are effort

towards a reflection of national growth which had generated the

information of various outfits to cope with this general pace in a

natural building. These factors ensure a free low factor of

production commodities with regards to cost of production and

job opportunities. And from the welfare view point it enhances

higher standard of living of the populace.

Therefore this essay is aimed at studying an economic

analysis Nigeria economy with particular reference to Borno

express corporation and the length at which public demands

transport service (Bello 2000).


In the transportation sector of Nigeria economy there are

numerous problems which the transportation sector faces. These

problems are great source of concern to economic and the

government at large. The transport sector virtually serve as


source of foreign earning and equally means of conveying goods

and services to the nooks and crannies of the country.

Transportation economics encompasses air sea and land

transportation system with specification reference to Nigeria the

road transportation system is the most widely used of all forms of

transportation system.

Hence the federal state and local government have ensured

that road transport infrastructure develop in all federation.

However inadequate of credit facilities has been identified as a

major obstacle for improving transport in Nigeria. The federal

government in its desire to encourage the development of

transport sector has put in place certain facilities to the transport

sector through various schemes and policy guide lines.

Transportation infrastructures (roads rail airports and

seaports) are the arteries for the free flow of people goods and

information three things necessary in a manufacturing and

export economy. If eyes are the light to human soul then the

airports and seaports are the eyes that international business


travelers see a country with. How important there transportation

infrastructures are to the manufacturing economy is as good as

anybody can gives. But that will not stop me from talking about


The domestic need for transportation infrastructure brings

with the possibility to become an important link in the regional

transportation system in the movement of goods manufactured in

the rural areas (where most manufacturing facilities should be

located anyway). There is a need of there transportation

infrastructures it cannot continue the age – living neglect of

these transport systems. Also there is a need to revive water way

and railway transportation. The age – long neglect of these

transportation if Nigeria wants to become a manufacturing

economy. A country cannot become a manufacturing giant

without well – connected inner perimeter roads xxxx airports

seaports and railroad stations.

Government cannot display possibly all these without the

involvement of private entrepreneurs in the building of


transportation infrastructures such as the management of

airports railroads seaports and state collection of tolls of the

maintenance of perimeter roads and highways. For Nigeria to

reach the goal of becoming a manufacturing economy in 2020

(what we at Nigerian Entrepreneurial Leadership call 24 hours

economy) the country must attend to the glaring and urgent

needs of using water and rail means of transport to reduce

pressure on the road system and boost productive activities and

employment country wide especially in the rural areas.

The neglect of rail and waterways for decades has

contributed to the nation’s dependence on food importation as

agricultural produce from one part of the country cannot be

transported cheaply to other parts. Lack of cheap means of

transportation has discouraged many farmers whose harvests

perished because they could not access the market. Also the

nation has continued to reduce the same socio-economic loss

from the future to expand railway network to all the states so

that agricultural produce could be moved cheaply to urban

markets. Rural development proclamation will just be that


proclamation unless transportation infrastructure network is

build to encourage free flow of people and goods.

More disappointing is the inability to maintain the existing

north-south colonial rail truck for the movement of goods. This is

major reason for the amalgamation of the north and the south by

the colonial masters for their easy management of movement of

goods. Nigerian’s should debate more on the economic

manufacturing necessity of the north and south areas as well as

the east-west areas; rather than the political undertone.

Consequently the decline in rural economic activities is largely

responsible for high rates of joblessness crime and declining

quality of life as the urban areas become overpopulated resulting

in environment problems such as over-flow of garbage lack of

proper drainage system.

The Nigerian Railways Corporation (NRC) monopoly law

should be abrogated and a regulatory framework set up to guide

private instruments in the rail transportation infrastructure. The

lack of interest and failure to provide incentives might have


discouraged the private sector from investing in rail and water

transportation. Because of the importance of this sector in a

manufacturing economy a form of enterprise fund should be

created with the purpose of promoting private sector

development in the rail and water transportation.

International business travelers must agree that Airport

security and foreign investment go hand in hand. Travel is a basic

necessity for business to be conducted between countries while

symbolizing a deeper connection that is fundamental to a

country’s economic fixture. Aviation is the travel mode of the

world; the first and last impression is your airport. Foreign

investment is going to come from people who fly. It is vital if

Nigeria is going to become a manufacturing export economy that

encourages business people will doubt whether Nigerian’s airport

and airspace can attain international standards. These recent

misshape give a bad impression not only of Nigeria airport but

also of Nigeria as a whole and the lack of structural management

system. The bottom line is that if you can’t get there you can’t

trade. Improving airport security is so critical for international


trade. The attract travelers and commercial shippers air travel to

Nigeria must be safe and secure.

This project is not meant to provide solution to the ailing

transportation infrastructure as to modernization of equipment

types and types of industry management training but to raise

awareness of the importance of the transportation industry

problems in equipment and training is left to the consultants who

often a critical study diagnosis and analysis of the sector’s

current situations. Any seemly solutions to the problems

presented in this project are peripheral as I do not give free in-

depth solution in my project. Lecletus Olebune (2010).

The research questions for this study are:

1. What is the impact of transportation on the Nigerian


2. What are the domestic needs for transportation


3. How does inadequate of credit facilities affect improvement

of transport in Nigeria.



1. To determine the impact of the economic growth.

2. To get to know the influences of transportation in developing


3. To get the aggregate level of the waste caused by poor

transportation system in the Nigerian economy.


Transportation has no significant impact on the Nigeria

economic growth.


The study of the transportation system in the Nigerian

economy is of great importance as the study will create an insight

to the study will create an insight to the causes of those

transportation problems and also suggest solutions through

policies that helps in reducing these problems. This essay

therefore is expected to shed more light on the appraisal of

revenue role as regards to product management and efficient

services to the transport sector.


Efficiency in the transportation sectors of the Nigeria

economy through a reduction of elimination of some vital

problems will have a positive effect on the national economy. The

constitution of new roads proper check on vehicle worthiness will

to a large extent revive the transportation sector and in torn

boost activities in the economy as the transport sector is

invaluably the backbone of all other sector in every economy.

This work also tends to check whether or not revenue from the

government has contributed significantly to the development of

transportation system in the Nigeria economy.


This research will be conducted within and outside the

caritas community. This research covers the entire economy so as

to obtain enough data they will avoid research is the difficulty

together information and data needed for the study. This

research also consumed a lot of time and other resources

constraint cost consideration also posed a serious problem.


Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    barchelors degree

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Cover page

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